Chaldean Chronicles Archive

Repository for the Chaldean Chronicles server, a 5e-based Fate/ roleplay.

Singularity Arc (Pre-Reset)

Misc. Roleplay

As missons/quests are held outside their roleplay channels, each game channel has the mixture of multiple games of different periods and locations.


Fourth Singularity

The Immortal Tyrant

Due to a prior incident, this archive is incomplete.

Fifth Singularity

Erlischtes Flammen Land - Perpetual Godless Twilight

Event Singularity

Hero's Ascent ~ Christmas in Tartarus

Sixth Singularity

The Demonic Forest of Domination and Disaster - Enniashe

Summer Event

Spring Islands

Chaldean Valentine

Final Singularity

The Grand Temple of Time - Solomon, The Divine Zenith Meteor Shower

Extra Singularity

Mage Ascension - The Cult of Mages

Chaldean Christmas

Contains sections from the Lostbelt Arc

Lostbelt Arc (Cadence of the Lostgrails)

Event Singularity

Saber Wars

Arc 2 Prologue

The Pale Void's Depths - Abaddon

Lostbelt I

Lampshine State of Techno-esoterism, Florida - The Prismatic Kingdom

Event Singularity

Summer in the Styx


Wrath of the Northmen

Lostbelt II

Capital of the Never-Rising Sun, Washลซ - The Foundation of Calamity