Alex receives 10x Vials of Purple Worm Poison
"As for you Vee, no need to worry, it's just a gift, there's no need for you to feel any obligation over them! What I have for you is a pair of bracers of defense, you don't use any armor Vee, so I hope these bracers would help protect you in the future! As for the second package, I have in it crafted a ring capable of storing a small repertoire of spells, twice it can form a small barrier to protect you from harm, and once, it can generate a boundary to repel most magic before they are even cast!"
Vee receives 1x Bracers of Defense and 1x Ring of Spell Storing (2x Shields and 1x Counterspell1
Medb receives 10x Perfumes of Bewitching, and 1x Bridle of Capturing
Current initiative: 20 (round 5)
28: Mordred Pendragon (Alter) <6/256 HP> (AC 31)
# 20: Atalanta(Alter) <77/208 HP> (AC 27, Invisibility)
-----COMBAT ENDED-----
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
Mordred Pendragon (Alter) <256/256 HP> (AC 31)
Damage: 1d6 (3) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 1d8 (3) [lightning] + 1d6 (4) [lightning] + 8 [lightning] = 31
Miss!Atalanta(Alter) <208/208 HP> (AC 27)
> Immunities: poison, disease
Damage (CRIT!): 2d8 (3, 2) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 18
Damage: 1d8 (4) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 17
Damage (CRIT!): 2d8 (3, 2) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 18
Damage: 1d8 (2) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 15
Damage: 1d8 (4) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 17
Mordred Pendragon (Alter) <188/256 HP> (AC 31)
Damage (CRIT!): 4d6 (4, 2, 6, 6) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 2d8 (7, 3) [lightning] = 41
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (15) + 13 = 28
Damage: 1d6 (5) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 1d8 (3) [lightning] = 21
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (6) + 13 = 19
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (10) + 13 = 23
Attack 5
To Hit: 1d20 (1) + 13 = 14
Total Damage: 62Atalanta(Alter) <154/208 HP> (AC 27)
> Immunities: poison, disease
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (12) + 18 = 30
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (2) + 18 = 20
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (7) + 18 = 25
Attack 5
To Hit: 1d20 (13) + 18 = 31
Damage: 1d8 (5) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 18
Total Damage: 18-i
argument to ignore restrictions!-i
argument to ignore restrictions!-i
argument to ignore restrictions!Mordred Pendragon (Alter) <174/256 HP> (AC 31)
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (6, 19
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (14, 27
Damage: 1d6 (3) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 1d8 (3) [lightning] = 19
Concentration: DC 10
Attack 4
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (19, 32
Damage (CRIT!): 4d6 (2, 2, 1, 1) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 2d8 (7, 4) [lightning] = 30
Concentration: DC 15
Attack 5
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (16, 29
Damage: 1d6 (6) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 1d8 (8) [lightning] = 27
Concentration: DC 13
Total Damage: 76Atalanta(Alter) <119/208 HP> (AC 27)
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Invisibility <C>
Damage: 1d8 (2) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 15
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (14) + 18 = 32
Damage: 1d8 (7) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 20
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (8) + 18 = 26
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (15) + 18 = 33
Damage: 1d8 (1) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 14
Attack 5
To Hit: 1d20 (19) + 18 = 37
Damage: 1d8 (2) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 15
Total Damage: 64Mordred Pendragon (Alter) <110/256 HP> (AC 31)
Damage (CRIT!): 4d6 (4, 1, 6, 6) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 2d8 (3, 1) [lightning] + 2d6 (1, 5) [lightning] + 8 [lightning] = 48
Concentration: DC 2426
Damage (CRIT!): 4d6 (5, 5, 4, 1) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 2d8 (8, 6) [lightning] = 42
Concentration: DC 21
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (18, 27
Damage (CRIT!): 4d6 (2, 3, 6, 1) + 8 + 3 + 2 [bludgeoning] + 2d8 (7, 6) [lightning] = 38
Concentration: DC 19
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (20
Attack 4
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (23
Total Damage: 80Atalanta(Alter) <14/208 HP> (AC 27)
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Invisibility <C>
Damage: 15d6 (3, 6, 4, 2, 5, 2, 2, 2, 6, 6, 5, 6, 3, 5, 5) [force] = 62
Mordred Pendragon (Alter) <48/256 HP> (AC 31)
Atalanta(Alter) <77/208 HP> (AC 27)
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Invisibility <C>
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (12) + 18 = 30
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (14) + 18 = 32
Damage: 1d8 (7) + 8 + 5 [magical piercing] = 20
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (7) + 18 = 25
Total Damage: 20
Current initiative: 32 (round 1)
# 32: Tyonis Magstrom <320/320 HP> (AC 26)
12: Nero Claudius <45/160 HP> (AC 15)
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
Tyonis Magstrom <320/320 HP> (AC 26)
> Resistances: cold
> Immunities: sleep, surprise, poison, disease
"Tyonis, should I keep an eye on her and make sure she stays out of trouble."
said Kato telepathically as she remained hidden but indicated she had watched the whole thing.*"Of course master, I am your servant and your well-being is my number one priority. I shall get you something to recharge your body. As for your next summoning I can stay in the shadows and provide assistance in case things go wrong."
said Kato telepathically as she continued to stay hidden but also went to get some food.
"Master, may I say something about Nero?"
"Master, don't you think it's a bit to soon to write off Nero. I think a bit more effort should be made in order to get the two of you to cooperate."
"Of course, all I am saying is not to give up so soon. Perhaps it would be best if the two of you go on some missions or I could attempt to talk to her. Summoning a third servant is a good idea regardless of the situation."
said Kato as she was now in the cafeteria and was grabbing some food. She still had not increased her cooking skill and as a result was making the most healthy meal she could but she remembered what Tyonis had told her so she would take one chocolate bar."Secondary mission aborted, continuing with primary mission, bringing you back some food."
said Kato as she would now make her way back to Tyonis. "Perhaps you will have more luck with your next servant and perhaps she can find a master more suited to her needs."
Current initiative: 11 (round 6)
11: Naomi Shirakawa <26/104 HP> (AC 24, Hunter's Mark [60.0 minutes])
# 11: Kamino Hoshiko <0/100 HP> (AC 12)
-----COMBAT ENDED-----
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
Naomi Shirakawa <104/104 HP> (AC 20)
βββγKamino Hoshiko <100/100 HP> (AC 12)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Marked [60.0 minutes] (Parent: Hunter's Mark)
- Until the spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa deals an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever they hit it with a weapon attack.
- They also have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check they make to find it.
- If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of theirs to mark a new creature.
Naomi Shirakawa <104/104 HP> (AC 20)
* Hunter's Mark [59.9 minutes] <C>
Kamino Hoshiko <54/100 HP> (AC 12)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Marked [59.9 minutes] (Parent: Hunter's Mark)
- Until the spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa deals an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever they hit it with a weapon attack.
- They also have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check they make to find it.
- If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of theirs to mark a new creature.
Damage: 1d10 (8) + 4 + 1d8 (2) [slashing] = 14
Concentration: DC 10
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (3) + 8 = 11
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (15) + 8 = 23
Damage: 1d10 (9) + 4 + 1d8 (4) [slashing] = 17
Concentration: DC 10
Total Damage: 31Naomi Shirakawa <73/104 HP> (AC 20)
* Hunter's Mark [59.8 minutes] <C>
Kamino Hoshiko <39/100 HP> (AC 12)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Marked [59.8 minutes] (Parent: Hunter's Mark)
- Until the spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa deals an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever they hit it with a weapon attack.
- They also have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check they make to find it.
- If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of theirs to mark a new creature.
Damage (CRIT!): 2d10 (2, 1) + 4 + 2d8 (6, 3) [slashing] = 16
Concentration: DC 10
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (5) + 8 = 13
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (19) + 8 = 27
Damage: 1d10 (2) + 4 + 1d8 (3) [slashing] = 9
Concentration: DC 10
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (11) + 8 = 19
Total Damage: 25Naomi Shirakawa <48/104 HP> (AC 26)
* Hunter's Mark [59.7 minutes] <C>
Kamino Hoshiko <39/100 HP> (AC 12)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Marked [59.7 minutes] (Parent: Hunter's Mark)
- Until the spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa deals an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever they hit it with a weapon attack.
- They also have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check they make to find it.
- If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of theirs to mark a new creature.
Naomi Shirakawa <56/104 HP> (AC 26)
* Hunter's Mark [59.6 minutes] <C>
Kamino Hoshiko <22/100 HP> (AC 12)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Marked [59.6 minutes] (Parent: Hunter's Mark)
- Until the spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa deals an extra 1d6 damage to the target whenever they hit it with a weapon attack.
- They also have advantage on any Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check they make to find it.
- If the target drops to 0 hit points before this spell ends, Naomi Shirakawa can use a bonus action on a subsequent turn of theirs to mark a new creature.
Damage (CRIT!): 2d10 (6, 8) + 4 + 2d8 (1, 4) [slashing] = 23
Concentration: DC 11
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (12) + 8 = 20
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (19) + 8 = 27
Damage: 1d10 (2) + 4 + 1d8 (1) [slashing] = 7
Concentration: DC 10
Total Damage: 30Naomi Shirakawa <26/104 HP> (AC 24)
* Hunter's Mark [59.5 minutes] <C>
ββγγKamino Hoshiko <0/100 HP> (AC 12)
> Resistances: fire, cold
Current initiative: 23 (round 6)
# 23: Nagato <25/400 HP> (AC 24, Rage [6 rounds])
14: Veronique <0/480 HP> (AC 34)
-----COMBAT ENDED-----
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If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
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Nagato <400/400 HP> (AC 24)
> Resistances: necrotic, cold, radiant
> Immunities: poison, disease, fire
Veronique <394/480 HP> (AC 30)
> Resistances: lightning
> Immunities: poison, disease
Nagato <228/400 HP> (AC 24)
> Resistances: necrotic, cold, radiant, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
> Immunities: poison, disease, fire
* Rage [9 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2; Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing)
- Advantage on Strength checks/saves
- Cannot cast/concentrate on spells
- Ends if knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn
Veronique <111/480 HP> (AC 32)
> Resistances: lightning
> Immunities: poison, disease
Nagato <2/400 HP> (AC 24)
> Resistances: necrotic, radiant, fire, cold, lighting, thunder, acid, force, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Rage [9 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2; Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing)
- Advantage on Strength checks/saves
- Cannot cast/concentrate on spells
- Ends if knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn
Veronique <101/480 HP> (AC 34)
> Resistances: lightning
> Immunities: poison, disease
Damage (CRIT!): (2d10ro3ro2ro1mi3 (7, 5) + 11 [magical piercing]) / 2 + (6d6ro3ro2ro1mi3 (6, 4, 45
Damage (CRIT!): (2d10ro3ro2ro1mi3 (10, 43
Nagato <75/400 HP> (AC 24)
> Resistances: necrotic, radiant, fire, cold, lighting, thunder, acid, force, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Rage [8 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2; Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing)
- Advantage on Strength checks/saves
- Cannot cast/concentrate on spells
- Ends if knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn
Veronique <152/480 HP> (AC 34)
> Resistances: lightning
> Immunities: poison, disease
Nagato <109/400 HP> (AC 24)
> Resistances: necrotic, radiant, fire, cold, lighting, thunder, acid, force, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Rage [7 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2; Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing)
- Advantage on Strength checks/saves
- Cannot cast/concentrate on spells
- Ends if knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn
Veronique <129/480 HP> (AC 34)
> Resistances: lightning
> Immunities: poison, disease
Damage: (1d10 (4) + 9 + 2 [magical bludgeoning]) / 2 = 7
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (19, 34
Damage (CRIT!): (2d10 (8, 5) + 9 + 2 [magical bludgeoning]) / 2 = 12
Total Damage: 19Nagato <6/400 HP> (AC 24)
> Resistances: necrotic, radiant, fire, cold, lighting, thunder, acid, force, lightning, bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
> Immunities: poison, disease
* Rage [6 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2; Resistance: bludgeoning, piercing, slashing)
- Advantage on Strength checks/saves
- Cannot cast/concentrate on spells
- Ends if knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature or taken damage since your last turn
Damage (CRIT!): 2d8 (3, 6) + 2d6 (1, 3) + 10 + 2 [magical slashing] + (2d6 (1, 6) [poison]) * 0 + 2d6 (3, 3) [acid] + 4d8 (2, 5, 8, 5) [fire] + 8d6 (2, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5, 2) [necrotic] + 2 [magical slashing] = 82
As Nagao takes her weapon, she hops on different rocks to reach the shore. There, she climbs up a few steps to see this long staircase going down. No creature can be seen but there was a clear path leading to the village.
On the way down, she would hear the dance of flames as well as the cries of her countrymen in addition to the clashing and swinging of swords. Then finally, when reaching the very bottom of this staircase, she sees a village consumed by flames and floored with blood and corpses. She can see villagers running away while poor, ill-equipped farmers, try to defend their partners and themselves. They were no match however for the invading force...
She sees Samurais with crimson red eyes, heartlessly chopping down one life after another. There appears to be a group of 5 ahead. One of which had a banner that showed which clan they are from.
The five samurais look towards her direction after picking up her presence. They then stop whatever they were doing and hold a fighting stance, eyes locked onto the Lancer. Some of them circling around her to try and surround her.
The bannerman would stay where he was and speaks to Nagao to address things. Katana wielded and pointed at her.
βThe people of this village oppose our lordβs rulership and plan of unification. It is our duty to eliminate the rats of this nation so that the Oda clan will prosper!β
The older samurai cheer in unison, waiting for their moment to strike.
Current initiative: 17 (round 2)
20: Samurai 3 <Dead>
# 17: Nagao Kagetora <188/192 HP> (AC 18)
15: Samurai 1 <Dead>
12: Samurai 2 <Dead>
4: Samurai 4 <Dead>
-----COMBAT ENDED-----
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
."Envoy of Bishamonten? Hah! Pathetic. Our lord's presence is beyond that of a deity from a false pantheon. Now die!"
The bannerman shouts, his allies shortly engaging upon seeing you initiate combat.
Samurai 3 <Healthy>
"Hraaaaaaagh!" This samurai reaches Nagao's space first, attempting to slice her back with his blood-covered katana.
Samurai Bannerman <Healthy>
"Kill her!" The bannerman shouts, inspiring one of his allies before attempting to strike Nagao with his own blade.
Nagao Kagetora <188/192 HP> (AC 18)
> Resistances: necrotic
Damage: 2d8 (1, 4) + 8 [slashing] = 13
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (16
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (33
Damage (CRIT!): 4d8 (5, 2, 2, 5) + 8 [slashing] = 22
Total Damage: 35As the Bannerman falls, Nagao can see the four other Samurai hesitate. Their morale lowering drastically. They were tempted to run but since there were still outnumbering her, they believe they still have a shot.
Oh, how wrong they are.
Samurai 1 <Healthy>
The samurais look at each other, unsure on what to do. However, this one gets annoyed and lets out a war cry as he attempts to have a swipe at Nagao.
Samurai 2 <Healthy>
Seeing their ally attack, they all join in. Trying to catch the Servant.
Samurai 4 <Healthy>
Samurai 3 <Healthy>
Samurai Bannerman <Dead>
Nagao Kagetora <188/192 HP> (AC 18)
> Resistances: necrotic
Samurai Bannerman automatically removed from combat.As the bannerman fell, the Oda clan flag would pick up flames from the rogue fires that spreaded on the ground due to all the destruction made by the attackers.
Nagao shouts, making her presence known but it was still difficult to grab the attention of those in the area. Due to the roaring fire and screams, Nagao was just a part of the environment. She would need to look around actively, search for her foes and help those in need.
@Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/LaeBeing a Servant, Nagao's servants were far better than the normal human. So she quickly detects the major fighting happening in the mouth (entrance) of the village. She would have to travel a short distance to reach the other side.
On her way, she could see the common folk running around and fleeing for their lives. She even witnesses a child crying as she gently pushes her mother's lifeless corpse to try and get her to wake up. Crying out 'Mom! Mom! Mom!' each time. Other than that, it was just corpses. The Oda Clan's brutality witnessed.
@Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/LaeNagao reaches her destination and there, the fight looks to have been concluded with bodies of armed farmers rested on the ground. As well as a few Oda Clan soldiers that died during the fight. Near the center, the grunts of the battle are being ordered around by this much taller figure. It is safe to assume that they were the ones in charge. But quickly, Nagao's presence would be acknowledged. The remaining soldiers in the area look at Lancer. Still though, in the background, chaos continues to ensue in this village. Perhaps killing the leader of this operation will force the invaders to retreat.
json Nagao reaches her destination and there, the fight looks to have been concluded with bodies of armed farmers rested on the ground. As well as a few Oda Clan soldiers that died during the fight. Near the center, the grunts of the battle are being ordered around by this much taller figure. It is safe to assume that they were the ones in charge. But quickly, Nagao's presence would be acknowledged. The remaining soldiers in the area look at Lancer. Still though, in the background, chaos continues to ensue in this village. Perhaps killing the leader of this operation will force the invaders to retreat.
As Nagao makes her advance, the nearby soldiers get in the way to try and stop her in her tracks. Meanwhile, the leader-looking samurai stays where he is. His hand calmly resting on the hilt of his blade.
Current initiative: 21 (round 6)
# 21: Nagao Kagetora <139/192 HP> (AC 19, Dual Wielding Bonus)
12: Black Samurai <Critical>
-----COMBAT ENDED-----
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
.Nagao Kagetora <188/192 HP> (AC 18)
> Resistances: necrotic
Samurai 5 <Dead>
The poor, zealous samurais rush in towards Nagao only to meet their demise. One by one, they get cut down. Not even able to react and beat the Servant's superhuman speed. One body after another drops. This pressures the Bannermen to act and so they yell out their war cry before chargin in as well.
Samurai 4 <Dead>
Samurai 5 automatically removed from combat.Samurai 2 <Dead>
Samurai 4 automatically removed from combat.Samurai 3 <Dead>
Samurai 2 automatically removed from combat.Black Samurai <Healthy>
Samurai 3 automatically removed from combat.Despite watching his men fall to the Avatar of the War God, Bishamonten, he stays still. His expression hidden behind his mask.
Bannerman 1 <Healthy>
The bannermen get close and take their opportunity to strike the war maiden.
Bannerman 2 <Healthy>
Samurai 1 <Healthy>
Fortunately one Samurai doesn't get killed immediately but after watching his brethren die, he looks around and starts running away. Screaming. This displeases the samurai in black clearly due to what he does next.
Seeing the samurai flee for his life, the eye of the black samurai flashes red. He proceeds to move right behind him and swiftly bring his katana up to cut the cowardly samurai in two. It is clear the samurai is not human for their movement nearly matched that of a servant.
Once the samurai falls with his body split in half, the samurai cleans his weapon with his arm before sheating it and looking back towards Nagao and the bannermen.
Nagao Kagetora <188/192 HP> (AC 18)
> Resistances: necrotic
Black Samurai <Healthy>
Silent and still. The Black Samurai continues to observe the fight.
Bannerman 1 <Dead>
Bannerman 2 <Injured>
Bannerman 1 automatically removed from combat.Nagao Kagetora <184/192 HP> (AC 18)
> Resistances: necrotic
"For the Oda Clan!" The Bannerman shouts, taking a swing at Nagao and landing a fair blow. She could feel the steel of his blade slice her skin.
!help init opt
for help.Black Samurai <Injured>
The Black Samurai makes his attempts to parry Nagao's attacks but unfortunately takes it. All but one. He then stumbles back a bit, inspecting his wounds. Having not made a single sound just yet.
As his blood continues to drop onto the surface, the eyes of the Black Samurai burns red once more. He then rushes Nagao, taking his turn to attack. His blade suddenly lighting up in flames in the process.
After making his attacks, Nagao can observe that the wounds she's inflicted on him regenerated slightly...
Bannerman 2 <Dead>
Nagao Kagetora <180/192 HP> (AC 18)
> Resistances: necrotic
Bannerman 2 automatically removed from combat.17
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (1) + 14 = 15
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (12) + 14 = 26
Damage: 1d6 (6) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (5, 3) [fire]) / 2 = 19
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (15) + 14 = 29
Damage: 1d6 (6) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (5, 1) [fire]) / 2 = 18
Total Damage: 37Black Samurai <Injured>
Nagao Kagetora <174/192 HP> (AC 19)
> Resistances: necrotic
* Dual Wielding Bonus (AC Bonus: 1)
Smoke exits the nose area the Black Samurai as Nagao goes all out for this duel. The Samurai takes the aggressive approach too, swinging his sword with discipline but the Lancer manages to dodge/block his attacks. She can tell frustration is beginning to develop inside of the samurai.
Damage: 1d6 (4) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (6, 3) [fire]) / 2 = 17
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (15) + 14 = 29
Damage: 1d6 (3) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (3, 4) [fire]) / 2 = 15
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (5) + 14 = 19
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (3) + 14 = 17
Total Damage: 32Black Samurai <Bloodied>
The fight has gotten much more more interesting as the two fighters exchange one blow after another. Unlike the other samurai Nagao fought earlier, this one could last and hit much harder. Acting like a fair foe to fulfill the avatar's desire for combat and war.
Nagao Kagetora <174/192 HP> (AC 19)
> Resistances: necrotic
* Dual Wielding Bonus (AC Bonus: 1)
Damage: 1d6 (1) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (6, 3) [fire]) / 2 = 14
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20 (17) + 14 = 31
Damage: 1d6 (4) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (4, 5) [fire]) / 2 = 17
Attack 3
To Hit: 1d20 (17) + 14 = 31
Damage: 1d6 (4) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (5, 4) [fire]) / 2 = 17
Attack 4
To Hit: 1d20 (18) + 14 = 32
Damage: 1d6 (3) + 9 [piercing] + (2d6 (1, 4) [fire]) / 2 = 14
Total Damage: 62Even if this samurai was special, he was no match for a powerful Servant of Chaldea. And as soon as the Black Samurai falls, everything around her pauses. The flames stop moving, the hot temperature ceases to exist, and the environment goes mute.
The simulation slowly disappears, letting Nagao see the VBS once more.
Caelum et Infernum at attention-
Testis natus, Past. Praesens. Futurum.
Sit mihi clipeus fatum, sit tibi ensis.
Votum Caelo.
Votum ad Orcum.
Haeo propter pauperem;
Si tuum est will-
Responde vocationem meam; Cinge fatum tuum.
Current initiative: 12 (round 4)
25: Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38, Bless [10 rounds], Blessed [10 rounds])
# 12: Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <0/100 HP> (AC 18, Blessed [10 rounds])
-----COMBAT ENDED-----
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38)
> Immunities: fire
Morbin' Time <92/92 HP> (AC 20)
> Resistances: fire, cold
Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <86/100 HP> (AC 18)
Damage: 1d10 (3) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 8
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (26
Damage: 1d10 (6) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 11
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (27
Damage: 1d10 (4) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 9
Total Damage: 28Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38)
> Immunities: fire
Morbin' Time <54/92 HP> (AC 20)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Metamorphosis [9 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Attack Bonus: 2; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2)
Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <61/100 HP> (AC 18)
Damage: 1d10 (6) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 11
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (13, 22
Damage: 1d10 (2) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 7
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (25
Damage: 1d10 (8) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 13
Total Damage: 31Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38)
> Immunities: fire
γMorbin' Time <43/92 HP> (AC 20)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Metamorphosis [8 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Attack Bonus: 2; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2)
Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <25/100 HP> (AC 18)
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (20
Damage: 1d10 (7) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 12
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kh1 (14, 23
Damage: 1d10 (3) + 4 + 1 [magic bludgeoning] = 8
Total Damage: 20Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38)
> Immunities: fire
βββγγγMorbin' Time <23/92 HP> (AC 20)
> Resistances: fire, cold
* Metamorphosis [7 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Attack Bonus: 2; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 2)
* Raging [9 rounds] (Check Advantage: Strength; Save Advantage: Strength; Damage Bonus: 3)
* Blessed [10 rounds] (Attack Bonus: 1d4 [bless]; Save Bonus: 1d4 [bless]; Parent: Bless)
Damage: 1d8 (7) + 8 + 2 + 3 [magical slashing] = 20
Attack 2
To Hit: 1d20mi10 (12) + 10 + 2 + 1d4 (2) [bless] = 26
Damage: 1d8 (8) + 8 + 2 + 3 [magical slashing] = 21
Total Damage: 41Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <0/100 HP> (AC 18)
* Blessed [10 rounds] (Attack Bonus: 1d4 [bless]; Save Bonus: 1d4 [bless]; Parent: Bless)
ββββββ (+3)
β (+1)Current initiative: 21 (round 1)
24: Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <0/100 HP> (AC 18)
# 21: Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38)
(edited)!init join
If it's a 5e monster: !init madd <monster name>
Otherwise: !init add <modifier> <name>
Kaze "Rainmaker" Douji <100/100 HP> (AC 18)
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo <272/272 HP> (AC 38)
> Immunities: fire
Damage: 2d6 (1, 3) + 15 [magical bludgeoning] + 9 [fire] = 28
Attack 2
To Hit: 2d20kl1 (20
Damage: 2d6 (1, 6) + 15 [magical bludgeoning] + 9 [fire] = 31
Attack 3
To Hit: 2d20kl1 (23
Damage: 2d6 (6, 2) + 15 [magical bludgeoning] + 9 [fire] = 32
Attack 4
To Hit: 2d20kl1 (5, 23
Damage: 2d6 (1, 6) + 15 [magical bludgeoning] + 9 [fire] = 31
Attack 5
To Hit: 2d20kl1 (6, 24
Damage: 2d6 (2, 3) + 15 [magical bludgeoning] + 9 [fire] = 29
Total Damage: 151β