The dhampire silently listened to the old man story, a story about someone who abandoned his friends and tried to fight against the world by themselves. Obviously she knows how would the story end, but she couldn't help but to hear how the man would ended up after everything he did. As she saw him tracing back a scar right on his cheek with his hand, she could only guess who's the man Mihaly is talking about.
But, she still stayed quiet, letting the old man to continue with his talking regarding her problem. One could say Klara view of love are still flawed or rather misunderstood. Love have never always been always about the strong protecting the weak and the weak confronting the strong. It's about being equal, no matter how capable each of the person are. You might be able to carry a boulder with pure strength, but you might not be able to cook for yourself. Love is about taking care of each other, comfort each other, being able to understand each other, and most importantly;Being there for each other. It's never about protecting the weak, it's about protecting both of themselves together.
Klara stayed silent, deep in her thoughts as Mihaly word bounces within the capsule of her mind. Arran Chatelaine, a man she had fallen in love over the course of her time in Clock Tower. He used to be weak too, and so does she. But they both grew, it's just that Arran grew much more faster than her. Does that mean shes a deadweight for him? No, if that's the case he wouldn't have even bothered to check on her, he'll only seek her if he needs her. Does that mean he love her? Who knows, even Klara doesn't know the answer. But she do know the answer for Mihaly question of course.
"Yes, I am deeply in love with him, Mr. Archange."
Klara answered, her red ruby eyes burning with pure sincerity, showing a girl that's truly in love. (edited)