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Chaldean Chronicles: Cadence of the Lostgrail
✅ - Mage Ascension / 〚🌄|chaldea-base
Silence, Fear and Vulnerability to Radiant, Teleport Block, Everlasting Rest Gilgamesh's Territory Creation A Effects
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 2:42 AM
Lingering in the base, Theano let out a soft sigh as she prepared for the mission. Yet, there was still some time to spare before heading off to face the singularity. With that time she had managed to ask for some help practicing her throwing technique. Once she was finished, she had fixated on the man training her for just a moment before speaking up. "Ah right... I suppose I did forget to introduce myself. My name is Theano Hippolyta Nicolo. May I ask for your name?" @StarryCleric
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 2:46 AM
The massive man had decided to help the newest Church member on her request, he wasn't the most skilled at throwing, but he was plenty capable in combat and durable to help by sparring a bit with her and giving her pointers. Despite his size, he still seemed to have a bit of an innocent looking face, perhaps due to his age and rapid growth while in Chaldea. "Ah yea, my name is Erik Odinson, Paladin of Humanity. I don't know how much you have heard of me around since I haven't been on the frontlines as much recently"
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 2:50 AM
"It is a pleasure to meet you Erik. I cannot claim to have such a prestigious title nor the experience to back one up even if I had it however I did hear a little about you. Granted, not as much as I probably should have seeing I've only woken up during the Sixth Singularity- Ennaishe." She noted before smiling a bit. "If you don't mind me asking, how come you're this... Big. Is it some kind of a family technique of yours?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 2:54 AM
"Oh.. this well... My family to retain some power mingled with fire giants back a long time ago, and the first Hero I summoned in Chaldea was Surtr. She took a bit of a liking to me, perhaps to mess with the other part of my bloodline, and helped to awaken the Giantblood laying dormant within me. Overtime I just started getting bigger as it continued to awaken, and now it is at risk of taking me over if I am not careful. It came with some benefits as well since my strength grew to match my size."
2:54 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 2:56 AM
"Ah. I see. That's... Quite interesting to hear actually. My family is descended from the Amazons, so I can relate to the bloodline thing... Truthfully I haven't expected someone else hailing from an origin generally seen as heretical by the church. If anything, it's a bit of a relief to see I am not the only one." She noted before humming, she then reached into her bag and pulled out a box of fried spicy octopus, offering a spare box to the man as she sat down by a table.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 3:02 AM
"My family overall renounced their origins in favor of joining the Church generations ago. My grandfather taught me of our bloodline and what they had done to maintain their power as well as where they came from. We came from Odin however long ago when Gods could still walk the land. You are related to that other girl... Veronica right? She was also a Nicolo? Hippolyta saved me back in Germania, at the cost of her own life." He accepted the box and took a seat, looking at the fried tentacles a bit quizzically for a moment, before shrugging and eating some.
3:02 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 3:07 AM
". . . I see. That's certainly one way to go about it. It does seem quite interesting, not too much dissimilar to our own story though without the church part. Our family were magi for the longest time before abandoning that path." Theano paused for a long moment before pulling out a bow. It was the one Hippolyta used. "It is interesting to hear you've met my namesake. It is... Quite an honour knowing she graced Chaldea with her presence." ". . . Yes, I am Veronique's sister. Younger sister to be exact."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 3:13 AM
"Well if you are related to her, and have a namesake in her primary partner, I think you will have great potential to become strong. Both of them were plenty capable. You can be as well, and I think you will become even more since you have joined with the Church. We can better focus your talents towards greatness, rather than being distracted by the search for knowledge that is meant to be unknown." He eyes the bow a bit, "I have always been better with working with metal and steel, whether using it to fight or in creating things. I was raised originally as a smith while my brother inherited the family Knight's Crest."
3:15 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 3:23 AM
"Knight's Crest? Your family is part of the church while using crests? Sorry if I may come off a little... Strong but I thought church prohibited usage of magecraft? As for my own namesake... If I do become strong, I likely won't ever match her. We are quite a deal different me and Veronique. I am one thing however- quick on my feet and all too happy to use my wits to overpower a foe no matter what. Granted, I am not too certain what the path in the church shall lead me to however... I am prepared for it." With that she bit into her octopus, rising an eyebrow at the bow. "There is no need for that."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 3:30 AM
"Ah no, this is a common mix up, its not a magical crest. Its more like the coat of arms, or badge of honor. Its a physical crest, the sign of being basically the Head Warrior of the family. All other siblings would be set to lesser status and trained as smiths and other support roles rather than as the Warrior. I however... did receive a magical crest from my grandfather. I still haven't figured out fully what it contains, but it has helped me better make use of the fire that the giantblood has granted me with." he holds up a hand as a small ball of fire is conjured within it, swirling with fire before he crushes it and it is snuffed out. "I will say, I am not too experienced in the full life of the Church. I was quickly transferred to Chaldea after I was fully recognized as an Executor, similar to how I was transferred to a remote monastery with my grandfather when my brother was selected as the Warrior."
3:31 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 3:36 AM
"I understand. I suppose I somewhat get where that sentiment comes from. My family keeps a lot of treasures and heirlooms to be passed down the generations. Though, admittedly that story is not as noble as your families in many ways. At least I don't believe so. Still... To possess a magical crest is something quite interesting indeed. Though I won't pry much further." With that she watched the fire get snuffed out before leaning back. "How long have you been part of the church? It certainly is a lifelong commitment. At least that's what I'm expecting it to be for me."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 3:44 AM
"By choice? A couple years when I left the monastery and started training to be an Executor. Technically, I have been with the Church my entire life since my family are a Knight Order, so it is something I was born into. At this point, I don't feel as connected with the Church as an Organization, since I spent so much time isolated from the greater parts and it feels my family has kept careful control over any other attempts at dealing with the rest of it. They have things they want covered up that my existence may bring to light." He shakes his head in a bit of disappointment, not really rage or disgust at the obvious betrayal and hatred his family seemed to have thrown his way, like a stain they wanted to be kept out of the light. He took a big bite of the spicy food, handling it well enough. "If you have any other family, try to keep connected with them in a positive way. You cannot make more or new parents and siblings"
3:44 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 3:53 AM
". . . Yeah. I try." The girl fell a little silent at the talk of family, it seems as if the subject was a bit of a sensitive one to her considering everything that had happened recently. Truthfully, she had wished it was as easy to do as the man made it out to be. "Can't say I understand your family politics. However I know these politics are never pretty to say the least. Unlike you however, I hope to one day be able to take an important place in the hierarchy of the church, though I suspect it will be as little more than a weapon."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 4:00 AM
"It is simply not in the cards for me unless my family is dealt with. They have too much influence to let me get far officially. I supposed Ciel could promote me here, though there may be a limit to what the Church will allow her to do on that front." He noticed he had managed to already finish his spicy snacks, well snacks to someone his size anyway "Ah. Well there is not much we can do about being considered weapons. The fight against the blights that threaten humanity is eternal, and warriors and weapons are needed to defeat them." He pounds his chest, a thud being produced from his body that was honed for such a task "I do not call myself a Paladin of Humanity for nothing. Do you have any idea what sort of weapon you wish to be? An arrow to pierce the enemy, a shield to defend others, a dagger in the night, or a sword on the front perhaps?"
4:00 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 4:04 AM
"An arrow to pierce the enemy. That much is for sure. I am practicing usage of the black keys for a reason. Truthfully however, I do not know the extent of my usefulness, however I shall strive forth until the point I can match my teacher in combat as well as mind. Once I reach that point, I will know I am on the right track. Even if it takes spilling blood of both our foes and my own to get there." The girl remarked, chuckling a little. "That sounded like something Veronica would say. She was always one for dramatics. However, it is the truth. I've... Put my heart onto this path so to speak. I've got little else to strive for, defending humanity is a way for me to do so. Be it against Goetia or whatever new threat comes... Should they all fall? Then I shall continue fighting against Dead Apostles until the moment I bleed out." "War is in my blood after all."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 4:11 AM
"Does your family trace its lineage all the way back to Ares then? This really is interesting then with two whose blood has traces of divine within it, but from 'heretic' sources. It just means we have to stay true to our paths all the more." he sighed, empathizing with her mindset, yet knowing it is wrong "While I agree with your thought process, I cannot help but wish that you would have more to live for. Have something worth protecting, though that is a bit hypocritical of me since I live the same way right now. I just simply wish for the best for those around me rather than myself. I can worry about me when we have won." He gives a bit of a chuckle, as the conflict they were in would have no 'winner' or even an 'end'. Especially not if he ended up getting properly conscripted by 'Humanity' to fight for it
4:11 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 4:17 AM
"I have enough to live for to keep going. I have a legacy to uphold... Perhaps rather a sister to watch over who will uphold it. This path of mine- It is quite far removed from the Nicolo's. I doubt my family will approve, truthfully I expect to get exiled once they learn despite Desponia's attempts to assure me otherwise. I have... Accepted the two faiths together so to speak. Perhaps that makes me a heretic, however I do not mind being called such. Ares is a divine being, God is Absolute. The two are not exclusive. After all. 'You shall have no other gods before me' does not intervene with the acknowledgement of the fact divinity is a complex topic. Something my time in Chaldea had taught me."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 4:22 AM
"Well, it is good to have those you wish to protect, but is there anything you would want to do? Something that in your last moments, will give you the drive to stand back up? Or do you, a fresh convert, believe your faith to be strong enough to pull you through already?" Erik asked a serious question, one that challenged Fee's decision. One that was a reminder that this was going to be a hard life with a high rate of death. "I am not testing you, that is not my place. I just want to be sure you have the resolve necessary to even in death, remain on this cause, because sometimes that is when you will be saved." He sighed slightly "It's also good to have a hobby that isn't training or killing. I am a smith, so I already have a hobby of working with metal. If you are interested, I could teach you some."
4:23 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 4:27 AM
". . ." Theano paused for a short moment before glancing off. "I need to survive. Otherwise..." With that the girl closed her eyes, biting into her lower lip as her hand squeezed her fork with enough force to bend it a little... "I'll disappoint her." And so, Theano fell silent. Her fringe hanging over her eyes as she stared at her plate. Suddenly she wasn't so hungry anymore.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 4:34 AM
Erik just looked at Fee, there was a bit of pity mixed with empathy in his eyes. He seemed to understand a bit, but there was also a slight bit of disappointment. He thought this girl would have stronger convictions than just disappointing someone. He reached over and gave her a pat on the shoulder "I do not think you will disappoint anyone worth disappointing by falling in battle. They will be hit with other emotions, but if it is disappointment, then they are not worth fighting for. Find your fire Theano. It seems like you are instead dragging yourself forward in an attempt to chase a shadow that you were never meant to chase. I'll help you train as much as I can, just promise me you will find something to stand up for, something that is not fear. One day you will become immune to fear, and if it is worry or fear that drives you, that drive will begin to vanish." He grips her shoulder, almost brotherly as she shakes her slightly to bring her eyes up to his. There is a fiery passion in them, they are practically glowing... no they literally are glowing. There is a tinge of a glowing red and orange in his hair as well "Fight on. I believe you can do it. And if you cannot believe in yourself, then trust in my words that you are worth it. I am no liar."
4:34 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 4:39 AM
". . . She won't feel anything, she is dead after all. If I die, I will spit on her legacy and what she left behind. I will never be able to be her, but I should honour the wish she made when she undertook that foolish decision and gave her life. She wanted me to live, so I will do so whatever it takes. Otherwise..." With that Theano paused once again, gently moving her own hand to brush that of Erik's away. She glanced away with the slightest hint of tears in her eyes. Though she quickly blinked them away. "Otherwise, her sacrifice would have been null. However foolish- however stupid it was. She did it for everyone but certainly for me and Desponia. In her last moments, she tried to spend time with us to make us understand how much she cared. Even if I always knew." With that Theano took in a sharp breath before-- simply letting it go. "I do not fear anything but losing my sister. The only one that remains. Perhaps it's a bit stupid but... I really don't have much else left."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 4:50 AM
Erik's hand was not so easy to brush away when it was gripping her shoulder. The man clearly had the strength that surpassed even many Servants, but he let her move it. He gave another heavy sigh "You are with the Church now. You can grow stronger and you will have the tools to protect people, but you must find your faith. In something. In anything. Fight for humanity. Fight for God. Fight to keep your sister alive. You need something to believe in. Something Good. Not regrets. Not worries. Not fear." Erik inhaled then exhaled, with a determined look on his face. "If all you have left is your sister, then I will have to protect you until you can properly find more things to fight for and believe in. I cannot let you be at such a great risk with such little faith." he pounds his chest, harder this time "Improve yourself! You can get stronger! Of body and spirit! And until then, survive!"
4:50 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 4:57 AM
". . . I believe in my sister's wish. That is all. I believe in Desponia's ability too. As do I believe in these around me." She looked down at her food silently, her eyes staring at it coldly before finally... She spoke. "If you want the truth however, I desire the strength to know that the next time I see someone rising a hand against my kin- I will be able to skewer them with my arrows, black keys or whatever else. To know I will be able to kill them before they kill these I care about. I am tired of being a little girl that doesn't know any better. I'm tired of being the runt of the family." "I need to be strong. Otherwise, it will all happen again. I've only got one sister left. There won't be another chance to prevent it- even if I can never make my weakness right."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 5:06 AM
"That is a good reason to get strong. And you are close to having the conviction to be strong. Wanting to protect your family can be a good source of strength, however, you must continue to get stronger of spirit. Get the faith and conviction necessary to continue on. Your family bonds are important, as I had said before, but you must not let them be the only thing pushing you forward. We have God as our guiding light. Our strength. Humanity as something to protect. Even if it is a bit psychotic, even the conviction that all your enemies must fall before you do is enough. Do you think your sister would want to see you hurt and ruined for her sake? Become strong, for yourself, for God, for Humanity."
5:06 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 5:13 AM
". . . Eh. We will see how things unfold. I certainly will try to strive forward. To believe in god..." The girl gripped her iron cross, quietly stopping to consider some things before continuing. "Perhaps that isn't the worst idea. No... Perhaps not. It could certainly help, to have someone watching over me. I did take a vow to do his will after all. As such..." With that the woman quietly stood up. "I... Appreciate the talk. If you do not mind, I need to go... Pray and reflect before my mission."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-07 5:16 AM
"That is fine. I still am waiting for approval to be fit for duty since I took some time to work in other sectors of Chaldea. I'll be out in the field soon. Stay alive until I can protect you." He smiled at her as he got up, swiping her food as he did "And I shall finish these off for you. May God be with you."
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-07 5:32 AM
"And with you." With that the girl headed off.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-08-07 5:39 AM
In the meantime, smoke rises in the distance as the sun rises.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-08-08 12:23 PM
Suddenly, fire and flames! A roaring wildfire ripped through the forest consuming everything in its way as the man in black coat exacted his plan to burn out Chaldea from the forest after Penth and Hua Tao had fled from his wrath. Biting and burning, at the pace of a running man, it was quickly barreling down onto Chaldea's Base.
12:23 PM
(Those who respond will be given 100 GP for RP)
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-08 12:25 PM
"Hmph. These Flames dare encroach on my Garden?" The Caster King is right here. What, some Fire is a threat to his beautiful City? He doesn't think soi.
Gilgamesh casts Tsunami!
Damage: 6d10 (1, 8, 5, 7, 10, 6) [bludgeoning] = 37 DC: 18 STR Save
Effect: Massive Wave (Attack: Tsunami)
A wall of water springs into existence at a point you choose within range. You can make the wall up to 300 feet long, 300 feet high, and 50 feet thick. The wall lasts for the duration. When the wall appears, each creature within its area must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 6d10 bludgeoning damage, or half as much damage on a successful save. At the start of each of your turns after the wall appears, the wall, along with any creatures in it, moves 50 feet away from you. Any Huge or smaller creature inside the wall or whose space the wall enters when it moves must succeed on a Strength saving throw or take 5d10 bludgeoning damage. A creature can take this damage only once per round. At the end of the turn, the wall's height is reduced by 50 feet, and the damage creatures take from the spell on subsequent rounds is reduced by 1d10. When the wall reaches 0 feet in height, the spell ends.
A creature caught in the wall can move by swimming. Because of the force of the wave, though, the creature must make a successful Strength (Athletics) check against your spell save DC in order to move at all. If it fails the check, it can't move. A creature that moves out of the area falls to the ground.
Spell Slots
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-08 12:26 PM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-08-08 12:28 PM
Suddenly springing forth from the coast a massive wall of water crashed upon the burning wood, flooding everything but also extinguishing all until it was calm. Just now tall pillars of blackened wood as the fires died down. A raging forest fire extinguished in less than ten seconds. stream covered everything for a while. In the distance, a single man in a black coat grinned at the sight of this power before turning back to his fellow cultists, "Not now. But we shall have it when the time is right..." And with that they faded into parts of the forest not yet burnt.
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 3:57 PM
Arriving at the base, Petra (and Van if she came along) drop off the first set of goods: Some boxes of food and drink holding a mix selected from the kinds available, 100 pounds total to balance load and efficient transport due to having only one wagon (so far) Masonry and stoneworking tools that were given away, along with some clay for initial work. Stone materials and the like are pending those able to make the purchases, and lumber is left for Chaldea themselves to make use of the forests around both locations as Van suggested. The full list of goods and materials available (see #〘❕|ooc-rp-chat) is sent to King Gilgamesh by way of a messenger requesting his funding and assistance as well. With those delivered, Petra makes a stop before returning, looking to meet a certain smith she's heard about.
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-08-08 3:59 PM
(@StarryCleric crafting)
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 4:02 PM
Erik is around the base, just getting some training in as he had recently gotten approval to get back on the frontlines again. The massive man was sitting, watching the sky off in the distance after having finished some prayers and meditation, contemplating where the next path of life will take him and how best he can assist his comrades. Particularly, he was worried for the newest member of the church, and if she would find her way.
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 4:12 PM
Approaching the man once she was directed to where he was sitting, her description of "A big person who I paid to make something" managing to bear fruit due to his clear stature, she called out as she neared, waving to Erik. "Hello! I'm Petra, are you doing well? Well, if you're Erik, you do look like how people said you would..." Genuinely expecting him to have already received her order, she merely smiled, her expression somehow holding a beaming grin while as unreadably blank as ever.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 4:25 PM
"Hm? Oh yes, I am Erik. Erik Odinson. Hello Petra, nice to meet you. I got your order earlier and will begin work on it today. I was wondering if you were going to come over and assist with the crafting of it. It would make it go faster and you could learn to use the tools as well." He would shift over to look the girl in the eyes, still managing to come out taller than her even while sitting on the ground. He really displayed the blood of giants within him
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 4:30 PM
Standing at 4'11 if you were generous, appearing taller than her was easy enough, giant blood or not, even before she walked over and sat next to Erik, calmly tilting her head to meet his eyes. "Nice to meet you too~ I just wanted to say hello in person, since there's still work to do, but that does sound interesting. Being able to make things myself would be nice... Can we start now?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 4:35 PM
"Once we get approval for our requisition of time and materials on the work we can. It is in the works at least. This evening most likely we can begin work, and I can show you how the way around the tools if you haven't worked with them before. Glad to meet you then Petra." He reached over and gave her a pat on the head, remembering the last small person he dealt with back in New York. He wondered how Dan was doing.
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 4:43 PM
Making a soft giggle at the gesture, she relaxed a little in response anyway, her smile warming slightly. "Okay! I can wait here, I think, unless they tell me to do anything, especially at that town I came from. Are you fully human by the way?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 4:47 PM
"I think I used to be, but not really anymore. My first partner here in Chaldea awoke the dormant giant blood within me, and I got a lot bigger and stronger. I don't think it matters too much, are you fully human? You look normal enough to me." He countered with his own question, seeming content with the way he was now, even if it was a drastic change from how he started out and the rest of humanity that he was fighting for.
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 4:59 PM
"I see... Well, no, but mostly? There's some fairy blood, and mainly a number of magecraft experiments recorded or stored in my crest. It started many generations ago, you can say I'm both more and less human than even some like me here." She laughs vacantly, her stare now fixed on him with a playful light, maybe hints of something else... "But it's probably simpler and clearer to demonstrate~"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 5:02 PM
"Oh? Well a demonstration would be interesting to see. I do not have much thaumaturgy myself, but I have a little bit I can show off." He says as he holds out a hand and produces a small globe of flame that begins to grow slightly before he crushes it again since he had no intention of lobbing it at anyone. "I have the blood of fire giants, so I am pretty effective with the use of Fire."
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 5:16 PM
"Oh, that's useful! You can cook things anywhere, right? It's pretty plain, but not being rare is fine. My own thaumaturgy is nothing unusual either, although it's stronger than what most use..." Leaning in slightly, she softly pats his shoulder, staring fixedly into his eyes as her own seem to...change? A pale glow now flickers there, seemingly inviting him to look deeper. "For my own demonstration, well... Have you had a stressful day?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 5:18 PM
"Not really, just been doing some training, watching the sky in the distance." He looks at her quizzically, not really sure what this has to do with the magecraft demonstration.
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 5:18 PM
Quietly rubbing her temples. Theano slowly but surely made her way back to the base from the town. She remained silent for the most part as she arrived, though she did raise a hand to wave to both Petra and Erik.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 5:19 PM
Erik waved a greeting at Theano, giving her a nod as well to come join them potentially if she was up for it. The more the merrier when watching the sky and vibing.
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-08 5:20 PM
The King himself is overseeing the Supplies that were delivered- That is of course after the Forest Fire Incident. He scoffs at the subpar quality, but that is just to be expected from someone that expects perfection.
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 5:29 PM
"Oh, that's how you relax. Were you meditating?" Giving an understanding nod, she waves back at Theano when she arrives. "That's something it can help with too, is what I meant. Although it's more forceful than the method basic thaumaturgy uses... Some like what happens more than others, really. Are you okay with trying things?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 5:33 PM
"Hmm... I think I will pass on magically enhanced perception for now. I am maintaining a certain state of mind for training today, enhancing my aura and connection to my ancestors. Taking time to watch the sky has also been enjoyable in this time period before the modern era but after civilization has more spread." He contentedly stares off into the distance, his eyes being a bit distant, but more in a calm fashion rather than a traumatized one
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 5:39 PM
"Huh? Oh, I meant relaxing yourself, not enhanced sight. It's like...a trance, I think? Anyway, you are meditating, then. It does sound nice, the sky really is a lot clearer here." Turning to watch the sky herself, she lays back after a few minutes. "Is this something you do every day?"
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 5:40 PM
Theano waved right back. Her eyes fixating on the two for just a moment before she approached them. Without skipping a beat, she reached into her bag and... She took out two small boxes. "I have been making some food, this batch came out well. I hope you enjoy it. Spicy seafood noodles." (1 Perfect Ration each!)
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 5:45 PM
"Oh! Thank you." He accepts the box, saving it for later before he would be going out on a mission. A good meal would be nice for such an occasion. He would hopefully be heading out soon. "I meant perception as in how you look at the world. Artificially relaxing yourself will change how you think about things. And no, I do not usually just look at the sky. It is good to do every once in a while to remember what you are fighting for"
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 5:55 PM
Taking her box, she puts it next to her without looking away from the sky. "Are you sure that stays the same anyway? Or do you think about things the exact way you did the day before?" She glances at him. "Don't you remind yourself like that every once in a while because your view does keep changing?"
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 5:56 PM
"Of course. I won't disturb you any longer." With that she nods and heads off to rest.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 6:05 PM
Erik waves off Fee, a bit confused that she wasn't going to join them for more since they were just vibing here for now speaking of minor philosophy, but shrugged it off for now. He can check on her later "Views will naturally change, which makes it even less desirable to make use of thaumaturgy to alter your mental state. It is a crutch, pushing through negative states of mind on your own with thaumaturgical aid will make you mentally stronger."
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 6:13 PM
Nodding to Fee as she heads to rest, considering the work they've had over the past two days, she then lays back again. "That's fair, I suppose. Even if you control it, it's not really learning how to manage yourself. But then, you can only strengthen your conscious like that in the end, only the surface of things, right? Perhaps it's best to just let that take its course." Staring idly for a few moments, she then turns to him again. "Do you know that lady?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 6:19 PM
Erik nods in a bit of agreement at what Petra was saying. He was not someone to rely on things like drugs or magecraft to help any internal turmoil he was suffering. He didn't have some of the best coping mechanisms himself, but it was at least not bodily self destructive "Oh, yea. She is a newer recruit to the Church. I am trying to help her out with her training so she can devote herself better. She seems like a nice person."
Petra Rosalie Altland BOT 2022-08-08 6:26 PM
"Ah~ It's good to appreciate something like that by repaying the gesture sometime, I think. Whatever you'd make that's worth it. That gives me an idea too..." Beginning to hum quietly, she watches the sun travel its way, unsure how long since she sat down it's been.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 6:33 PM
Erik makes a bit of an affirmation 'mm' sound as he just enjoys vibing and relaxing while watching the movements of the sky. Stopping any stress or worry for the day, just relax and let your mind wander as the time passes. Not something to do everyday as work needs to get done, but good to do once in a while.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 11:28 PM
After getting his work approved by the chaldean staff, Erik began showing Petra the ropes for working on the item, making sure she understood how to work the tools. When he was done, he would head off to go search for Fee. He was curious what she had been up to recently, she seemed like she had been busy when he saw her earlier. Might as well also check in on the progress of her training even if they had already talked recently. He had given her pointers for spiritual training mostly in their last talk, perhaps this time he can check on her physical training
11:28 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 11:32 PM
As the man begun to search for Theano, he would soon stumble into one of the on-site rooms. The door was slightly ajar and inside lingered the girl. Her eyes were closed, her hands held together in silence as she sat on the side of the bed. From the looks of it, she had in fact rested for a little while following her mission. As it stood right now however? She was merely lingering there quietly for a few moments before finally letting out a soft sigh. Her gaze turned towards the door. "You may come in."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 11:35 PM
Erik wasn't exactly the most stealthy of people has he leaned down under the doorway to enter, noting that he may have interrupted some prayer. He smiled a bit, glad that she was committing to the faith rather than only doing it lip service to get the training. Since he had been approved for duty, he was now partially armored and armed, due to learning in New York not to be caught without protection and a weapon even when you think you are in friendly territory. "Sorry to interrupt, I wanted to come and see how you were doing and what you had been up to. I was a bit in the moment earlier with that odd girl. She had placed an order for something to be smithed and ended up joining me while I was setting my mind at full peace."
11:36 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 11:38 PM
"I appreciate the thought. I'm doing just fine. Thinking some things over." She remarked, tilting her head to the side in thought before glancing over to Erik. "If you wished to check on my training, I've got some good news." With that? She picked up a knife that lingered on her bedside table and tossed it! It slammed into the door with not only accuracy but-- It was in the door to the hilt. In fact, the hilt was stuck in the door as well. "I cannot claim to be an expert at the technique, however progress has been made. Notable one even."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 11:42 PM
Erik inspects the blade in the wall, giving the door a bit of a knock to check its durability as well. Satisfied, he gave Theano a bigger smile, happy that she has made progress in the training she wanted to do. "Amazing! If you were using a proper thrown weapon like a Black Key or Dart, it may have gone entirely through the door." he gripped the hilt of the blade and wrenched it out, tossing it lightly back over to Theano, entirely confident in her ability to catch it. "I focused my techniques mostly on melee combat, but my trainers had said I could have had great potential if I learned the old ways of throwing Black Keys. You are using your strengths to their best effect as well."
11:42 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 11:46 PM
"It's not too dissimilar from what I learned in archery. Admittedly the approach is much different. Same fundamentals however. It's all in the fingers and wrist. I don't have the strength to mindlessly throw items with raw power so I have to rely on my agility. Still, I am yet to acquire a black key to use. I wonder how that will go... I suppose we will find out going forward won't we?" She hummed before smiling a little. "That being said, I do wish to learn how to fight at close range too. Something you could perhaps help me practice going forward." "Still, putting training aside. How are you doing Erik? I've returned from the mission not too long ago and managed to catch a quick nap. If you need some help with anything I'm happy to assist."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-08 11:51 PM
"I have been approved for active duty again, hence why I am more combat prepared. I have been caught without gear before, and we lost someone, so I won't make that mistake again. I am currently getting back into the swing of my own training between helping you and smithing. I feel I am already close to my peaks though. Getting to the level that people like Ciel stand at." He chuckles lightly, the idea that he could be getting so strong was a bit funny to him. He never would have imaged he could get to this far when he woke up from Cryo. "We can train together. I won't deny the help, but I also want to see you grow and get stronger as well."
11:51 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-08 11:54 PM
". . . Who did we lose?" Theano looked a bit more tense for a moment, her gaze was fixated upon the man. "Still, to think you're reaching the level of master... It's quite impressive. It is my ambition to one day be her equal, however it is certain a long way from that... Yes, it so would seem that way. Regardless, welcome back to active duty. I believe you should do fine. I have managed to survive so far after all. If I have- well... I don't imagine you failing to do so as well."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 12:01 AM
Erik shook his head, remembering Mihaly. "It was back before you even woke up probably. He was on the older side, and there was unfortunately nothing we could do against the powerful Servant when we got jumped during a negotiations. It was in the micro singularity in New York. Remember that even the most skilled of us are still at risk, except for maybe the highest exceptions of Ciel, Lucius, and Jeanne. I doubt any of those three would be able to be taken down aside from extreme circumstances." He gave a solemn nod of respect for their power. Those three being the top powerhouses of Chaldea currently. "I do need to show you my masterpiece soon as well. I was blessed by Surtr before she fell, and through this blessing I crafted a replica of her sword. Though I do not think it would be safe to summon it in here..." he looks at the room, worry about how it may not be able to handle the massive blade being drawn
12:01 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-09 12:11 AM
". . . My sister was their match. That is at least, what I have seen to be the case." Theano remarked, there was a note of understanding in her voice before finally... She stood up. "Very well, let us head outside then. I would be more than happy to have a look at your blade, it could prove to be an extremely interesting sight." With that the girl headed for the door, gently moving past the man and heading outside in order to make sure there was enough space for his little demonstration. "Can't say I've had the chance to witness a truly spectacular armament from a servant, much less see one replicated."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 12:16 AM
Erik would nod and follow her out, heading into the more open area of the territory, away from civilians. This was going to be a bit of a display, and potentially highly threatening looking as the blade was a replica of the one wielded by a being that helped to wipe out the Old Norse Gods. It was heretical in more ways than one for him to wield it, but it was also in his blood to make use of it. If he used it for God, it would be fine. That is what he knew of the Eighth Sacrament at least, and regardless, he was fine using it for good. "Ok, this should be good... just be careful with it, it is designed to be dangerous towards humans, undead, and those who would call themselves divine. I would worry that if you carry divine blood and are also human, it may be doubly so effective on you."
12:16 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-09 12:52 AM
". . . I can take it even if that is the case." With that Theano merely looked at the man, humming a little as she watched the blade come into view. Her eyes fixated on it with some curiosity before she chuckled. "I'm not sure I'd be able to lift that thing truthfully. I'm not exactly all that strong you know. Still... It's certainly impressive, I will give it that. Still, it seems a little odd for a member of the church to use such a weapon. Not that I have any horse in that race but still... Either Chaldea attracts the oddest of types or the Holy Church is less problematic about these sort of things than I thought."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 12:57 AM
As Erik make sure its safe, he raises his hands up, conjuring forth the blade that he had bonded with his blood and blessing. In an eruption for flames, the blade appeared in his hands. It almost seemed to big to be called a sword, seemingly made for the giants of old if anything. In the hands of even Erik, it was clearly large in size. The weight and power of the weapon was tangible around the man, the destructive energy within it licking across it's metal as it sensed the presence of Theano nearby. It was a bit menacing to be near. Even Erik seemed to have to put in some effort to heft the weapon as he swung it down in an arc, resting the tip against the ground. It was truly a weapon worthy of bearing the title of 'False Laevetain' "It is just coincidence that I possess this weapon while apart of the Church, Chaldea was what allowed me to gain access to it. I doubt I am the only one who has unlocked new capabilities while working here. Perhaps with a bit more experience, you as well will find an even greater power within yourself beyond what is normally conventional"
12:57 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-09 1:02 AM
"Truly impressive. The closest I have seen to something like this was..." With that she paused, shaking her head. "No. I haven't seen anything that compares, not really. It's a beautiful weapon, work of art even. I have little doubt that you've found yourself putting it to good use. I doubt to ever have access to such powerful tools however that is perfectly fine by me. I shall execute my job even if it means using sticks and stones. Regardless, it suits you perfectly." "Chaldea is certainly a remarkable place." She nodded, gently rising a hand to fix her cap up before smiling a little. Tilting her head t othe side the nun simply chuckled. "I do wonder if I'll make it that far though. We will simply have to see won't we?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 1:09 AM
With the demonstration done, Erik lifts the blade once more as it bursts into flames that retreat back into Erik's body, the weapon vanishing with them. He shook his arms slightly and let out a huff, letting himself relax a bit after lifting the massive weight of the sword without hostile intent, this being the first time he had ever done so. "Perhaps I could make you a Personal Weapon eventually, once you are ready for one. Something thrown with the capability of Black Keys, probably with an additional returning property, or the capacity to materialize a replica of it similar to how our Bibles work...." He began musing a bit, being a Smith, he seemed to have a natural inclination towards weapons and armor "Anyway, I think you have great potential so long as you keep moving forward. You can even take a break every now and then and slow down. I did recently when I felt I needed to, and now I am back."
1:09 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-09 1:44 AM
"I believe I'm just fine as it is. However, I appreciate the sentiment. Thank you for the thought however, I truly appreciate it. It is extremely kind of you to think of the needs of someone you've barely had the chance to truly meet. Even if you've been training me up to be a better master and executor." On that note the girl chuckled, shaking her head. "Granted, it does seem like you're just the type to go out of your way to help out these in need. Admirable in a way, admittedly I can't say I'm exactly the biggest fan of such an attitude personally... But I respect it." With that Theano sighed, shaking her head. "I apologize. I shouldn't be the judgemental type."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 1:51 AM
Erik cocks his head slightly, seeming a bit confused. Helping people just seems like the natural thing to do. He had strived to be a Paladin when he was in Chaldea, and that image of a Paladin he had was Holy Knights that fight against evil and help the good. Through his own searched he had determined who he would consider 'evil', though he had not fully found how to figure out if anyone was specifically 'good' or if anyone who wasn't 'evil' was 'good' "Helping others is only natural for me. I can't fight against the things we fight alone, and if everyone is stronger we have a better chance of winning. It also just makes me happier when I help others, as others have helped me in the past. It's fine if you don't share that sentiment, we all have our own paths to follow." He nods affirmatively, not really judging Theano at all for her own decision and thoughts. "You seem like you are more pragmatic of a person than I am, so you can make harder decisions faster."
1:51 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-09 1:54 AM
"You could say that. Pragmatism is certainly one way to put it. I make decisions which have to be made, for better or for worse. I simply try not to think too hard about them afterwards. At the end of the day, all I want is to make sure people I care about get to live and thrive. Nothing more, nothing less." With that Theano gave the man a soft nod. "I see nothing against helping others if they desire it, however I'm not exactly the type to go out of my way to help others if that makes sense. That was always more of Veronica's thing, something which slightly rubbed off on Desponia."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 2:01 AM
Erik gets a bit of a serious expression on his face, remembering China and Germania, what he had learned from Lucius and what he had witnessed from Surtr and Epona. "She was admirable in what she tried to do, even if I feel a bit misguided. Holding back against an enemy to attempt to avoid killing them is dangerous to yourself and everyone around you. We rarely can afford to take risks, even though we have to often. Adding so much more risk in an attempt to save someone who is assisting in the destruction of the Human order is not worth it." He clenches his fist, a small fire burning in his eyes "Evil needs to be defeated. It is as simple as that."
2:01 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-09 2:09 AM
"It's more complicated than that. To use a lesser evil for the benefit of the good is a necessity that exists in this world. Granted even that logic can easily be twisted and taken too far, very easily in fact. There is a fine line between acceptable losses for the greater good and outright evil... It is a shame how blurry it can get at times. Even my own servants seem unable to distinguish where it lays." She noted before merely shaking her head. "Yes. My sister was foolish, it doesn't stop me from loving her regardless- even post-mortem. She is who she is... Rather- she was who she was. As stupid and naive she was, she was my beloved older sis regardless, she always tried her best. I simply wish she had handled it better before leaving."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-09 2:13 AM
"You may misunderstand what I consider to be the Evil that must be defeated. True Evil is anything that is a major threat to Humanity and those that assist them. Dead Apostles, Demons, hostile forces that prevent us from closing Singularities. It is not entirely black and white, but it rarely ever becomes an issue to be questioned. Everything else would fall into shades of grey, and I am not one to judge those. The best I can do in those situations is follow orders or use my best judgement. At that point it is good to have other perspectives." He nods his head a bit in contemplation. "I am glad you joined the Church and that we have become friends Theano, I think your perspective will be valuable in the future."
2:13 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 1:36 PM
"I appreciate the praise as always. Admittedly my perspective is all it is, just one view on things. Regardless, I am pleased to call you a friend as well. I am curious to see how it will be for us to work together going forward. Still, nothing ever is black and white. Not even our task of saving humanity. If it was- it would be much simpler wouldn't it? Regardless... I suppose it is what ti is."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 1:49 PM
"Well I suppose. I just try and follow what I can to do what I believe is right. Strength of conviction. Life will never be simple, but we can simplify parts of it, just as we can overcomplicate parts of it. Just try to enjoy what you can, and push through the harder parts with all your might. I can at least say its a bit more simple to decide one what is True Evil. There is not a single Dead Apostle or Demon that I have ever seen that has deserved to live. Though I have not met many outside of Einnashe."
1:49 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 1:57 PM
"I've seen the wake of Ennaishe. Admittedly that whole singularity seemed more like a nightmare than a possible reality. Yet, it gave me a reason to see the Church in a... Brighter light then the one I've had the chance to grasp while attempting to become a Magus." Theano noted before nodding. "Regardless, you are correct. There are few fiends and vampires worth letting live, even fewer that bring good to the world... If any."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 2:07 PM
"As someone from the outside, I figure it would be easy to see the Holy Church as less than what it claims to be. It did a lot to show the efforts that go on with it during Einnashe, and what the Church truly stands for. I do hope after this singularity there will not be more political conflict. It just seems to get in the way of the real mission, even if that mission is not as focused outside of singularities."
2:07 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 3:05 PM
"Politics are intriguing but ultimately tend to rhyme. It's always about the same boring issues... Always the same problems being repeated on and on by a bunch of self-righteous parrots. Clocktower is no different from what I've heard, if not worse."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 3:06 PM
"I just hope with the Director here, that Chaldea can weather whatever political storms are brewing. With the singularities hopefully done, we may no longer be seen as necessary and potentially as a threat. I have felt at home here and that my purpose can easily be fulfilled. Without Chaldea though, I feel I may end up lost for a time as I try and find where I need to go."
3:07 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 3:12 PM
"I doubt I will have a home to return to either considering my... Arrangement with the church. However I suspect if we are ever forced to disband, I might just follow Seventh to continue my training. Though I'm not sure how much success I would find outside of here. Still, I understand how you feel. Despite my short time spent here... Well. I certainly feel at home."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 3:18 PM
"I am glad you find it comfortable here. It seems we are in similar positions in reality with our family, though without Ciel's assistance, I doubt I will be able to stick anywhere near you guys with what my family may try to do. Otherwise I could say we could try and stick together to watch each other's backs. We should get some combat experience together before the end of this singularity at least, so having someone you trust watching you back is nice."
3:18 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 3:24 PM
"That certainly would be nice. You seem more than capable of taking care of yourself however, something which I can greatly respect. Just keep in mind that I am neither the most durable nor strong. I prefer to avoid direct confrontation and take care of the trash from a safe distance." The woman noted before finally pausing to think. Her lips curving in a slight frown before speaking. "Hm. Its a little odd. You're the second person that has hinted at the desire to partner up with me on missions. Are all the members of the church this friendly or am I simply not the backstabbing type?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 3:33 PM
"The Holy Church is in the minority usually for active members in Chaldea, as well as us usually having different values to those of Mages. Aside from the ones who are fully self sufficient and capable, so types like you and the first guy Ciel took as her partner who are more ranged infiltration types, types like myself who are more frontline and direct combat benefit a lot from working together with people. I am a very good frontline fighter, but I lack good ranged options or flanking options." "Also I feel like you are interest and worth seeing you grow, and have been enjoyable to chat with in the off time. You are also pretty active in getting to missions, so you can be trusted to be around to watch someone's back"
3:34 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 3:39 PM
"Hm. I suppose I haven't looked at it in that way. Little more I can do then simply consider that viewpoint I suppose. Still, I do not mind watching your back while we are out on missions together. Hopefully my methods do not put you off however." With that Theano hummed for a few long moments. Stopping to think, she glanced upwards in consideration.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 3:45 PM
Erik will also look up, he had spent this day looking at the sky a lot, and it was still a nice evening sky even now. "I doubt you will have worse methods than we have already dealt with. You aren't going to nuke a city right? You would have large shoes to fill if you wanted to be someone I would see as bad. Ultimately we have to do this for our survival. Causing minimal collateral damage is only preferable, not a requirement."
3:45 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 3:54 PM
". . . I sincerely dislike people bringing that up like some kind of a measuring stick whenever I make my mind known about the extent to which I'm willing to go to ensure we do not suffer more than necessary." Theano scoffed, shaking her head before glancing at the man. "Do my actions so far make it seem like I'm the kind of person to do such a thing? From other masters all the way to even my own servants... No. I do not intend to nuke a city however I will do so if it proves to be necessary. I don't like needless killing, I am not afraid of doing it for the sake of these I care about however." With that Theano sat down and took out her black key. She fiddled around with it for just a moment before eyeing the man. "I do not need to be bad or despicable for my methods not to suit you. I've heard of people infighting over simple disagreements.:
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 4:01 PM
Erik would look down towards Theano as she was on the ground, the height difference being all the more apparent with her getting even lower down. "I am not one to judge any of your actions personally. I have not witnessed them myself nor can I claim to be free of actions some would deem excessive. We burned a city in China as one of my first missions in the field. From my interactions with you so far, I can already say you would have to be drastically different in a mission for you to get on my bad side. Or threaten those I personally care about, which I do not think you would do outside of an extreme circumstance."
4:01 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 4:06 PM
"I appreciate the faith you put in me. Hopefully it won't be misplaced. Still, I know for one that I'm likely to ruffle some feathers. Already experienced that. People don't appreciate honesty, they'd much rather hear positive thoughts and pretend that worst case scenario doesn't exist. Not to acknowledge that victory may come at a cost. Truthfully... I despise that naivety."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 4:13 PM
"I was more like that before. Then I experienced tragedy, so that now my eyes are plenty open. It is why I firmly believe you need strong convictions, because even in a terrible situation, you can still push through and succeed even at a cost. Losing an arm, leg, taking severe damage that may cripple you, it can all be preferable to death so long as you win. And we need to win, because if we lose then all of Humanity loses. Rarely do we get second chances in these singularities." He sighed and took a seat next to Theano, relaxing a bit, not minding the weapon near him "The main thing you need to remember, is no matter how calculated the odds are or how much of a loss you may think you may take, willpower can overcome even those challenges and push through. It can sometimes just come down to even luck."
4:13 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 4:21 PM
"I believe I mentioned it before but I have a strong desire to succeed. Call it willpower if you will but really I think of it more as stubbornness. I know what I want. That's all. Though this does not stop me from considering things regardless." Theano noted, pausing to think once again before looking to Eric. "That's enough about that however. I'm curious about you as a person. You've mentioned you've grown up in a religious family. Knights to be exact. Care to explain more?"
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 4:30 PM
"Strong Conviction is a bit like a strong stubbornness..." Erik mused for a moment, thinking it a bit amusing when you think about it. Theano sort of had a conviction, though he did wish it was more directed with something a bit more solid than just a need to win. "Ah.. My family. As I had already told you, my family has a long heritage dating back to the Norse Age of Gods, where they were strong warriors with Odin's blood in their veins. Overtime, that blood began to dwindle in power, as is expected to happen over hundreds of years. In an effort to continue to have strength within the family, they joined with Giants, giving the children a significant boost in power when the divine had faded. They continued to be Warriors. They had a tradition of the oldest son becoming the Head Warrior, and all other siblings becoming smiths to support them with runic armor and weapons. Generations pass and missionaries come from the Church to the norse lands. My family converts and becomes a family of Knights fighting for His Grace. They maintained their family tradition, except now the oldest son became the Knight." Erik shook his and sighed. "My family has always been greedy for power and maintaining it. In the new age, it seems they were a bit less concerned with physical prowess now that they had The Lord to grant them strength, and now care more about political power. My brother and I were both the technical Oldest in the generation, because of...." Erik looks around a bit "I can trust you not to spread this around right?"
4:30 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 11:15 PM
"You can yes. I have no reason to tell others about anything you choose to divulge to me. Besides, if we're being honest I don't talk to many people in the first place, much less gossip about others."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 11:26 PM
"Ok. If my family finds out you know, then they might make your life harder. I realize I have probably already told you too much as is, if I wanted to back out, but oh well." He sighed and shook his head, a bit disappointed in himself for dragging Fee into this with this knowledge without properly making sure it was ok. "Anyway. My brother and I are twins, and therefore should have been trained as both a smith and a warrior, then when we were old enough have a competition to see who gets the Knight's Crest and who becomes the Smith. However, it seems that I inherited most of the Giantbloood, while he inherited most of the Divine blood. I showed more obvious signs of it as a child, and was an obvious heretical stain against the family who is now trying to stay Holy within the Church. So I was claimed to be a bastard and sent with my grandpa to an isolated monastery back in the home country. Denied even the right to bear the Smithing crest to inherit the family smithing techniques. My grandpa taught me about our family history and tried to raise me strong and capable while teaching me the Smithing ways and training me in what ways he could. The monastery eventually got attacked though, and while my grandpa and I managed to fight the attackers off, he lost his life. In his final moments, he transferred to me a Magic Crest that seemed to contain some old thaumaturgy in it. Though I haven't fully been able to figure it out as much, even now. The Church recognized my capability and brought me in to train as an Executor, but once my family caught wind of it, I was transferred again to what I assume they believed to be a Dead End. That is here, in Chaldea."
11:26 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 11:36 PM
". . ." The girl paused for a long moment, her eyes fixated on the man before finally she frowned. The frown on her expression was... Scornful. Probably the most annoyed and disgusted she had ever appeared in front of Erik before as she spoke... "If that's the case, then your family is not worth the hassle. It's rotten from within. Once the world is safe, you should seize what is your birthright and ensure no one has the capability to look down on you like that once again. They are a stain, to treat one of their own like that... Its disgusting and vile. I might even go as far to say that an accident may be arranged to ensure they face their karmic retribution."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 11:43 PM
"This is something I already grew to accept, and why I emphasized the importance of family to you, since you have some that is worth fighting for. I came to the conclusion not to sink to their level and move on. My brother did not commit any sins against me to deserve any retribution, and my family overall would have nothing to be gained from going against them aside from purging some of the corruption in the Church, which could be good, but I am but one man. My political weight is significantly lower than my family, and it will take political maneuvering to take them down without facing serious backlash. It is a family that has persisted for a long time throughout the eras. Taking them down will not be easy."
11:43 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-10 11:49 PM
"If that's what you believe, then I won't fight your thoughts. However this isn't something I'm easily willing to let slip now that I heard it. From the sounds of it, even if your brother did little to harm you he is still an accomplice and stands to profit in the play to keep you away. As for there being little to gain..." Theano gave the man a look of compassion for a short moments before continuing. "Sometimes justice, no matter what form is enough of a reward on its own. Though your influence may be limited at the moment, do not think that will always be the case. The church has always been willing to overlook heretical practices for the good of humanity."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-10 11:54 PM
"I don't think my brother knows the truth. I doubt he even knows the taint in our blood that I inherited most of. He was probably fed the lies about me and had no reason to disbelieve them. I have no seen him since I was barely able to walk." He shook his head in disappointment, clearly not having any animosity towards his twin, if anything it was only pity for having been indoctrinated by the rest of the family. "Now that I have gained more power here in Chaldea, if I returned to the Holy Church afterwards, I feel I may gain more sway. I do not know if it will be enough to fight against my entire family, but it should be enough to avoid getting transferred to a remote region again. I will not stop you if you truly wish to deal with them. Maybe with Ciel's assistance, we could get something done, though I feel like she will be having a lot on her plate once the Church gets on her to get back into 'active duty' with them"
11:55 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 12:15 AM
"I do not intend to ask my teacher for help in personal matters. This is not a matter of duty but personal conviction." Theano stated simply before glancing at Erik. "If I'm to be extremely honest however. Know this. Your brother, even if he isn't aware is under the influence of serpents. That's how I see it. For better or for worse, you won't ever know that answer until the moment you have a chance to see him."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 12:23 AM
"That is true. I have a bit of wishful thinking, hoping that he at least is similar to me in that he became a good person despite his upbringing. It will not be something I can look into after our work in Chaldea is done for a time.... Though I get a feeling we will not be done for a while with whatever is looming on the horizon that we were warned about. Maybe one day."
12:23 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 12:38 AM
". . . Highly possible. We shall see regardless. I'm sure there will be time to spare at one point or another. Still..." With that Theano glanced at Erik with a neutral look. "Your blood is a part of you. You should never be looked down upon because of it so long as you don't let it control you."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 12:46 AM
"Well, it is an effort to not give in to it. The call of destruction in my blood to return to being a monster gets stronger the weaker I am, so me being a frontliner is a bit dangerous. Its part of why I took some time off to better center myself, just to be safe. If I could better awaken any remnants of the divine blood in me, maybe that would help fight it, but that is a lot more unlikely at this point now that the Giantblood as fully awakened and integrated with my body." Erik gave a heavy sigh, or perhaps a normal sigh for someone of his size, before giving Theano a pat on the shoulder "Thank you for asking, it has been a bit since anyone was interested in my past for reasons other than 'why are you so big'"
12:46 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 1:01 AM
A little thrown off at the touch, Theano shifted just a little before composing herself once again. "Of course I'd be interested. We're friends, however short of a time we know eachother I do enjoy spending time with you. Besides, I'm not one to judge based on appearances. My entire family seems almost incapable of having boys for one after all. I'm as much of a freak as you by some standards, it just happens that it shows much less on initial appearances. While your size makes itself apparent from a single view, I am shaped by my own blood in different ways. I don't have a fear of death, I never did. I don't think that's just a quirk of my personality either. I could go on, but I believe you get the point."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 1:13 AM
"While you may not have a fear of your own death, I at least would be sad if you did die... And are you not... a girl? I sorta just figured off the church wear since that is your choice." Erik seemed a bit awkward, not having really thought that Theano was anything other than a girl, and potentially feeling bad about misgendering her if he was wrong. "I've never been the best at judging people personally"
1:13 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 1:20 AM
"I am not an exception to my family's rules no. I am a girl. Admittedly the nuns outfit isn't my first choice but I figured it's likely to be better than the alternative." Theano paused for a long moment, glancing off to the side and... Blushing just a little. "That and... Uh... Ciel wears it so it has to be good right? Even if just..." ". . . A little breezy."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 1:24 AM
Erik can't make eye contact for a moment, a bit embarrassed about this with a slight blush on his face as well "A-ah... I don't know what that would be like because I have always been wearing things fit for knights. Armor and... bodysuits I guess. I don't know if that would be any better, since its usually for underclothes for easy movement and protection in the openings of the armor." Erik's eyes go wide for just a brief moment before he shakes the intrusive thought of Theano in a bodysuit out of his head. Ciel has been in combat clothing before and that didn't distract him as much, focus. "A-anyway... ah.." Erik was still a bit stunned and trying to think of where to continue or what topic to change to
1:25 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 1:51 AM
"I'm not exactly one for armour. It restricts my movement far too much. My dexterity is one of the few things I can trust in a fight so an outfit like this fits. It is definitely taking time for me to get used to it however... Admittedly going out on missions dressed like this has certainly helped me a lot." Letting out a soft cough, the woman shook her head. "Regardless, I can see why full blown armour would have it's advantages too, but the armoured church robes are enough for me."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 1:59 AM
"It isn't for everyone, and it honestly seems like more people go lighter on the armor rather than heavier, if any at all. The armor I have was given to me by Lucius, since he no longer needed to make use of such heavy armor. I used to use a shield as well, but my personal blade requires two hands, so I have not been using a shield very often even if I still carry one with me into combat just in case. I learned well how to make use of it to protect people after all, might as well keep it on me in case we need to heavily prioritize defense over attack."
1:59 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 2:02 AM
"Not a bad form of thinking. Admittedly there are many in Chaldea preferring your approach of executing the enemy before they have a chance to cause harm. Not that I'm any different, offense is the best defence in many circumstances after all. Still, being able to shield oneself from incoming damage is certainly a strategy, though I'd personally prioritize avoiding any harm at all first and foremost."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 2:08 AM
"The only one I know of that has successfully taken their defense to the level of the enemy offense is Jeanne. And she has committed entirely to it, and thus does not have much offensive capability. Unfortunately, we are the ones who have to be on the attack, because while we are trying to defend humanity, we have to do so by defeating the enemy rather than repelling them. The enemy is always the one who are in their preferred position that we have to remove them from, and offensive capabilities end up growing faster than the defensive ones."
2:08 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 2:14 AM
"That much is true. Though my preferred method is generally more subtle ones such as subterfuge. I suppose you will get to see that soon enough, fighting head on is a bit of a waste in my eyes but inevitable. I'd much rather see my enemies collapse in on themselves than actively... Force them to collapse so to say."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 2:20 AM
"If we had the luxury to sit back and wait for the enemy to fail, that would be nice. Focusing on defense and being an iron fortress to defend others could be a good change of pace, however, things would have to be in different circumstances. Singularities feel like we are always on a time limit to try and close them, always with our backs against a wall. I may have only been out of Cryo for less than a year, but it honestly feels like I've aged several years in that time."
2:20 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 2:49 AM
"Harm the foundations and the whole building will fall. That's the attitude I hold." Theano noted.
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 2:51 AM
"It can work if we have time to wait for it to fall. Usually it feels though that we need to harm the foundation, then take out the head to quicken its collapse. Otherwise it may thrash as it falls and cause even more damage." Erik nodded in agreement.
2:51 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 3:20 AM
"I suppose that could be seen as the case as well, yes. Though I'll be honest. I'm not sure I want to think too much more about work at this point. We've been talking about it for a while now... Honestly? I want a break. Missions have been taking up most of my time as it is already."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 3:33 AM
"You should join me next time for watching the sky. It is a good time that is really relaxing and keeps you grounded from doing missions all the time. Picking up a hobby as well is good, I can show you the ropes for smithing if that would interest you. Our work can be all consuming for us, since it is the fate of Humanity on our shoulders, but it is still good to take breaks now and then."
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 3:39 AM
"I enjoy reading and philosophy. I also play chess, though I'm not extremely proficient at the sport. If you'd like, I'd be happy to play around against you. We can see how it goes. Otherwise...? Well... Training. Fighting is also a fun hobby in my eyes- friendly spars are a wonder after all."
Erik Odinson BOT 2022-08-11 3:50 AM
"Well, we could try and do a bit of competition. I don't know how well I will do in Chess, but I at least know the rules. A friendly spar would be good to see how your progress has come. I suspect you may still win, as the ranged advantage generally counters my fighting style. I doubt I would be able to catch you once you get going" He let out a bit of a chuckle, the thought of him trying to chase down Theano as she ran while hurling attacks at him was amusing.
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-08-11 10:34 AM
"Heh. That will be fun. How about sometime later? I have a few things to do until then but... I'd love to have a round later. For now though, do excuse me." With that, Theano headed off.
... It was calm, on the city of New Uruk, to give it a name. Nothing eventful happened until now, and it became almost... Relaxing, to watch the solar eclipse that left the land into a sort of perpetual twilight. The common folk here did their business and tried to live their lives as best as they could, and the stationed members of Chaldea coordinated to perform their missions as best as they could. It was a pretty calm day in what others would've thought to be a bloody conflict. ... Or at least, it was. Until it started. The earth became to shake, as if it shifted right below one's feet. New Uruk's foundation would hold, but it was an earthquake of great magnitude. Almost like divine wrath. @Vormal/Asstolfo/Morban/Sword/Cat
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 11:52 AM
..Who dares? The King is not happy, not happy at all. Exiting his chambers, moving up onto the Wall that surrounds his great city.. He awaits for the one responsible to show himself. Arms Crossed, and with an annoyed expression he stands. The Golden Glow of his Gate of Babylon shimmering softly behind him.
Meuniere - Funny Staff Support Guy BOT 2022-08-12 11:55 AM
"...?!" Suddenly, the intercom came alive, it appears it startled the staff while they were in lunch break "What the-?! King Gilgamesh, we're detecting subterranean activity from massive underground objects! They seem to be burrowing towards our location, 1 minute for contact!"
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 11:58 AM
"They will not reach my City. Whoever dares will have to answer to me." With that.. He raises his Hand. a Spell is cast from his Gate, a Wall of Force. Erected underground. Cast to block whatever is coming at them. Hopefully not allowing it to pass any further..!
As the spell is cast and the Wall of Force is erected... They arrive. For a moment, calmness again. And in the next second, you see it. A good distance outside of the main walls, a mass of green and bark starts to grown quickly, into the skies above. It was a tree, and to say it was 'giant' would not suffice. Its size was ridiculous. It stretched until you could say entire legions could sleep and make room on its branches.
12:04 PM
And indeed, even from the distance, your great wisdom could tell you there was an entire legion perched and resting on its branches. Soldiers and sorcerers, in standby. Waiting, for something.
Meuniere - Funny Staff Support Guy BOT 2022-08-12 12:05 PM
"... It has stopped. There are still some objects underground, but I gotta say..." "What the HELL is that?!"
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:07 PM
"Is it not obvious, you fool?" "Only a Noble Phantasm could create such a thing." "Such a Disgrace to my City." His Voice booms, doubling in volume. Another Spell, Thaumaturgy. "You! Who dares approach the King?"
... In answer to your demand. The clouds would shift, and though the twilight didn't provide much light, the message was clear, bathed in a orange tint "Who else, but another King? Come, let us speak."
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:11 PM
.... Hah. Very well. The Silence is lifted for now. "Then Approach and Speak."
Thunder - LS | ED | DO | HT 2022-08-12 12:14 PM
?:One of the branches of the main tree would spread towards the walls, and serving as a hallway, a being approached it. A man, who represented the beginning of Western Civilization. Who embodied the world and its roots. An Heroic Spirit, considered among the Top. One that loved his people, and was loved in return. One who in rejection of his own Divinity, sided with Humanity. There, would Gilgamesh find the other King.
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:16 PM
"..." "Heed my call, Chaldea. My Spear reaches the corners of the earth. The world is born from it. Do you understand why? Because it is the embodiment of Rome."
Thunder - LS | ED | DO | HT 2022-08-12 12:17 PM
ro:"And I AM ROME!"
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:19 PM
"Thus, I've been asked to enforce the will of Rome. Of these people, and from the one that binds me." "So let us begin by one fundamental question. Fundamental as the seven hills that form Rome. What business does Chaldea have with us?"
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:21 PM
"What Business do we have with Rome? So long as you are not a threat there is no reason for us to get in your way." "We are not here for Rome. We are here for the Pillar." Romulus. a King that Gilgamesh can respect. Still, he is beneath him. "What Business does Rome have with Chaldea?"
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:24 PM
"I see. If you are not here for Rome however, then the raids you have been performing, must be answered for." "We've been fighting, yet the Lord of the North has decided to grant you mercy. I am here, as Rome, to ask, why must we fight? Since it's clear it's not us who are your enemy."
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:26 PM
"We will fight if Rome decides to stand in our way." "Our War is one of retaliation. If your Forces stand down and leave the Chaldeans be then there will be no issue."
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:29 PM
12:29 PM
"I see."
12:30 PM
"Consider it done. As one does not strike the other, the other will not strike back." "Be warned, however, Rome cannot guarantee the same from the rest of the Lords. This will only be from the one in the North."
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:31 PM
"The Other Lords will be coming to beg for Mercy in time, should they dare stand in my way." "If that concludes your audience with me, do take your Legion and your Tree out of my Territory."
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:32 PM
12:32 PM
"Before I leave however, I do have another proposition."
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:33 PM
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:33 PM
"Since you have accepted our request, the Lord of the North extends his hand and glory to Chaldea. You may send your diplomats to meet with him in the Triangle of Growth."
12:34 PM
"And you will truly see the glory of the Lord of the North in person. It is at the west of the city you call 'Belfast', on the coast."
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:35 PM
Diplomacy. Funny. The Lord of the North truly wishes to beg for their Mercy after all their previous failed attempts.. Very well. "Shall they be harmed, we will retaliate. Consider it a sign of good faith, we'll be sending a Team for Diplomacy to you in time."
The Divine Ancestor BOT 2022-08-12 12:37 PM
"It is done then, I will let the Lord know. I thank you, King of Uruk, for your time and consideration."
12:38 PM
"For Chaldea, that comes from the future, is too, the children of Rome. I would be saddened to see it fall to any other Lord." "May Rome be with you."
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:39 PM
"Any lesser man would not have been worth my time, Rome." "Farewell."
Thunder - LS | ED | DO | HT 2022-08-12 12:40 PM
Nodding, he turned to walk from the same branch he had come. As well as shouting at the top of his lungs, so the whole of the city and the tree alike, would hear his voice. For it was the voice of Rome. "ROOOOOOOOOOOOOMAAAAAAAAA!"
And as he entered the tree, the earth was shook once more, as it seemingly reverted in time and returned back to whence it came. Somehow, after a few more minutes of tremors, it was over. No mark was left of their coming.
12:43 PM
... Though, there was a mark. A small (in comparison) oak was now planted in front of the main gate. As a gift.
Meuniere - Funny Staff Support Guy BOT 2022-08-12 12:44 PM
"..." "Um, excuse me, but what exactly just happened?!"
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:47 PM
"We've made Peace with the Lord of the North. Prepare a Diplomat, we're sending them out."
Meuniere - Funny Staff Support Guy BOT 2022-08-12 12:48 PM
12:48 PM
"Working on it then..."
The rest of the pleasants would be confused too, as to what just happened. Should they be scared, should they feel safe from being in Uruk? At least there wasn't an actual attack...
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-08-12 12:49 PM
Satisfied with his work, The King will retire back to his Chambers. His Cape is almost ready.
Sophie, Mary, Nito, Gorgon, Boud started a thread. 2022-08-25 10:18 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-02 12:51 PM
As Gilgamesh reserves carts upon carts of gold and treasure entering his city he sense through his foresight that something wasn't right about this gold. He saw the moment it entered the hands of mortal men that something would happen with them the moment they touched it and took it as their own. Something that could very well destroy entire nations.
12:51 PM
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-09-02 1:02 PM
"Fools. Who said you could get your hands on it?" He's not about to let money of all things ruin his country. No. This Gold is for him to use. He'll have to cleanse it first, most likely. Still. To think that even after signing a Geas that Bastard would dare even indirectly harm them.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-03 11:47 AM
"Sir?" one of the cart drivers said confused.
11:47 AM
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-09-03 11:48 AM
"None may touch this Gold. I'll be inspecting it for a while." Of course, the easiest solution would be to just replace the Gold here with Gold from his Vault. But he doesn't feel like giving up any of his own Riches.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-03 12:07 PM
"I'm just following orders," the man shrugged, "My Lord did ask me to pass this to you." The man approached and reached inside his coat to present a gold-trimmed letter with a bright yellow stamp on it.
12:07 PM
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-09-03 12:07 PM
"Read it."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-03 12:32 PM
"Um... yes, sir," the man stuttered and opened the letter, "It is not hard to deduce who rules this city from its extravagance. It was a shame I could not bring you into the fold despite my many catalysts under my control. But to have you as an worthy ally would be the closest thing. I have done my research and am aware of your powers of foresight. If you are indeed ordering my men to read this letter to you, you have no doubt have suspicions upon the Gold delivered to you. So I do not give to you this treasure as a monetary gift, but in a way a warning of the reach that I could have. This is a weapon I could have deployed, one that can destroy entire nations and factions if spread amongst them. A weapon that will linger for no doubt years on end like a festering wound. A weapon in the form of carts of gold. So be warned, I am an ally, but my reach is infinite.
12:32 PM
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-09-03 12:44 PM
"a Warning serves no purpose if you are going to use it as a Weapon regardless." What Nonsense. Ally? He's not the King's equal, that spot is reserved for but one Person. "If your Lord thinks he can challenge me, he is gravely mistaken."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-03 1:17 PM
The man stared Gilgamesh down, revealing unnatural sickly purple eyes that somehow dared to make eye contact with the king of heroes, "My Lord has many meanings and many foes that watch his every step. Be wise to pay heed to his words twice for they carry great weight."
1:17 PM
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-09-03 1:26 PM
a single bolt of lightning hits the ground next to the man, just far enough to not hurt him. It was merely to spook. "Silence, Mongrel. I need not have the obvious stated to me. As a sign of good faith I will have your insolence be unpunished, but my Patience does not run forever." "If that is all your Lord has tasked you with, then you are free to leave once you've completed your other duties."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-03 1:35 PM
The man flinched, taking several steps back but then taking a few forward in response, "I suggest you think twice more on my words, King of Heroes, my Lord only needs speak once to convey two messages." With that he turned around, freeing a loose horse from the cart and starting to ride away.
Gilgamesh, The Wise King BOT 2022-09-03 1:36 PM
With that, it seems the Kings work is not done just yet. This money needs to be cleansed, just in case.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-04 10:22 AM
A package would be delivered to Nicolo with a note attached to it, "You will need the best Tuners I have at my disposal. Pay me a visit if you so wish."
10:22 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-04 10:23 AM
The woman opens the package with curiosity. Just to check what it is first.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-04 10:28 AM
A limited amount of white powder tied within a red silken handkerchief with gold lettering with the initials "N.N.S"
10:28 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-04 10:39 AM
Theano gave a little hum before heading to the Clocktower.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 2:48 AM
"This is just going to cause trouble," Levin said again as they finally made to back to Gilgamesh's Base. A horde of nearly a hundred and a half people shuffled forward, many tired and weary from the long march all the way south. But their spirits were still up as they sang in latin (praising the cornucopia as sort of a holy artifact in their hymns) and chattered with each other along the way. At the front was the village elder with his weathered skin and shock-white hair, gripping his staff with one hand and gripping it with another. "Have we arrived in Jerusalem?" his bushy eyebrows raised as he laid sight to the golden city. @Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach @Vormal/Asstolfo/Morban/Sword/Cat
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 2:52 AM
"In a way, yes. Welcome to our base, as I have told you before-- We have nothing but good intent for all that is to come." With that the woman glanced over to the Elder and gave him a nod. "Consider this to be the Temple of Solomon, a place of safety for all that desire it and are willing to embrace the true lord."
2:53 AM
@TheInsanityThatLiesOutside (edited)
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 3:22 AM
"We will rest in the House of God, paying Him about with reverence," he nodded as he held up the cornercopia, "A worthy place to pay tribute to Him above."
3:22 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 3:24 AM
The woman nodded before speaking. "That sounds acceptable. As we agreed before however I will need to make use of the item. In regards to your stay, make yourselves at home. I'm certain Caster will be willing to make comfortable accommodation for you all."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 3:34 AM
The townspeople began to shuffle away while the elder stayed alongside Knight-Ranger Levin and Caenis. Levin looked the most displeased of the duo. "Yes," the elder nodded, "What is it that you wish to do with it?"
3:34 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 3:35 AM
"As I spoke of before. It shall be used in order to help and repair my family heirloom. Now..." With that she looked over to Levin and Caenis. "Would it be possible for you to inform rider of our success?"
3:38 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 3:42 AM
The elder nodded. The pair both glanced at each other, "The report will be made in due time when the mission is complete." Levin said. "And, ma'am, if we may be able to discuss with you in private."
3:42 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 3:45 AM
"Hm... Very well." With that she nodded over to the Elder.
3:46 AM
"Excuse us." With that she led the two into a more private area.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 3:53 AM
There was a room that the both of them selected. It had a window with a view on a courtyard below where the Elder was speaking to his people. "We have a problem," Levin said, "In order to repair your crest, the artifact will have to be disassembled in such a way it can never be repaired." he looked out, "And given how fanatical these people are, it will be an issue." "Unless they're eliminated before it becomes an issue." Caenis said.
3:53 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 3:55 AM
"Hm. I see." Theano nodded, letting out a soft humm before finally continuing. "Would it be possible to swap it out for a fake then? While I'm aware the Horn of Plenty is extremely powerful-- These people are uneducated peasants that don't understand it's true function and power. Something simple and temporary should suffice. Long enough to fool them."
3:55 AM
3:56 AM
"Frankly, I think they might become useful to us one way or another, however I won't let them get in the way if there aren't any other options."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 4:00 AM
"It's not the peasants I'm the most worried about, it's the elder," Levin said, "The elder isn't letting go of it anytime soon and there's a high chance that prolonged contact with it has somehow had him attune to it, to understand it in a way. So he may notice a replacement even if we can somehow part him from it for a second." "Furthermore I personally believe they pose a security risk to my Lord at large." Caenis spoke up, "As for them being useful, there are better and more obedient sources of fodder for Chaldea to use."
4:00 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 4:01 AM
"Very well. I suppose I have a proposal then. If you'd like to send for the elder to meet... I will try to convince him one more time. If I fail to do so, we will simply eliminate him."
4:02 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 4:04 AM
"And the entire population unless you want a riot in the middle of your fortress," Cain said, "Given the fact it's the entire population of the village, meaning we're dealing with all age groups, it'll be a messy affair but an easy one." "One last chance," Levin said. "I'm not happy with what we may have to do, but my Lord has made his command and I will obey." Without a further word they left, closing the door behind them. A moment later the door opened and the elder came strutting in, the artifact gripped tightly underneath his arm.
4:04 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 4:06 AM
Theano let out a soft sigh, closing her eyes before merely rising a hand up to her ear and tugging to pull some of her locks behind it. She was aware of what kind of an affair it was, however she had already prepared to do anything in order to repair the Scarf. Truthfully, she had the gut feeling that it had to be done- for better... Or for worse. "Greetings. Take a seat and make yourself comfortable. Would you like some tea while we talk? I'm afraid the topic won't be a comfortable one."
4:06 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 4:14 AM
"Oh?" he said as he took a seat, "We did not have much tea in our humble village so I thank you greatly for offering me some."
4:15 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 4:17 AM
With a soft nod Theano prepared a magic-powered kettle and poured the two of them some Apple and Cinnamon tea. Setting a small ceramic with sugar and a spoon, she motioned to it with a soft smile before finally sitting down by the table and placing their cups in front of them. "There is first time for everything. I assure you that the comforts here are going to prove to be much better than those back in your village. Not to mention- it will be much safer here in the long term. While I'd love to celebrate your presence here as a victory, I have unfortunately been informed of something I did not foresee nor had been warned about that I wish to discuss with you. While my comrades were not the keenest on this talk happening... It is only fair that we consider our options."
4:17 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 4:45 AM
(Sorry doctors office)
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-09-22 4:45 AM
( Tis kay)
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 7:56 AM
"This is more of a holy pilgrimage now," he took a sip of the tea, "As long as my people are safe and the Holy Concuripia is in our protection, I am willing to hear what options you are offering." Though he had a raised white eyebrow, not sure what really to expect.
7:56 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 8:04 AM
"That's the problem. I've had... Some unfortunate news broken to me that I wish to share with you and figure out a way to go forward with this. First things first, in order to fight off the heretical lords and the demon they follow I will need my family artefact to prevent their heresy from affecting me. Secondly, we have been running thin on resources. At this rate, humanity as we know it is doomed unless something is done about it. Thirdly... The Concuripia is not a holy relic. Quite the opposite. It's very foundations are- in fact-- Heretical. It is a relic of the greek and roman pagans. Not the one true god." After saying these words Theano sighed. "Fourthly and most importantly. Concuripia will be destroyed in the process. I'm aware that this will result in a conflict of interest however a fact is- you have to make a choice between safety of your people and the relic. We can offer you safety, however we need the Concuripia to achieve the Lord's goals. Without it, I'm afraid I cannot guarantee you safety here due to my companion's thoughts on the matter and my oaths prevent me from going against them. Optionally-- You can choose to leave with it. This will however lead to you being hunted down by the heretics and most likely dying in the process." With that Theano closed her eyes, for just a moment the woman's expression shifted... She seemed... Upset about this situation. Truthfully she didn't feel good about breaking what she thought to be an agreeable terms and yet... "That is the situation we find ourselves in. I'm willing to hear your thoughts- that is why I asked you to come here. I will respect your wishes one way or another. However this is the reality of the situation. Were you to stay in the village, you would have faced the same fate. We've already seen large numbers of heretics heading that way again and it was too far for us to protect."
8:04 AM
@TheInsanityThatLiesOutside "I'm sorry for putting you in this situation."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 8:19 PM
He was silent for a long while, unresponsive as he kept staring forward as he heard her speak. Eventually he did, a shakiness in his voice betraying itself as he spoke very softly and very simply to what she said, "You will kill us if we do not surrender it?"
8:19 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 8:25 PM
". . ." Theano took in a deep breath before taking hold of her tea cup and taking a sip. "Only if I'm forced to. Fact is however, no matter the choice you make here. You all will die if you hold onto it. I do not seek your death. Frankly, we wouldn't be talking if I even remotely considered it to be a good option." @TheInsanityThatLiesOutside
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 8:29 PM
He dropped the cup, letting it shatter on the ground, "And even if I do give it, what is even stopping you from mercilessly massacred?"
8:29 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-09-22 8:30 PM
( Peggy what does he mean? @TheInsanityThatLiesOutside )
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
( Peggy what does he mean? @TheInsanityThatLiesOutside )
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 8:31 PM
(What's stopping you from just killing them if he gives it up_
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 8:37 PM
". . ." With that the womans look grew more serious by the moment. "Suffocation. Blunt Force Trauma. Exsanquination. Burns. Brain Damage. Heart Puncture..." With that the girl reached into her pocket at a rapid speed. It was superhuman, tossing a single black key past the man's cheek with a glare. Lightly Scratching it with its edge as the black key made a harsh indentation into the wall with a wicked crunch. "Tell me Elder. Why would I bring you here, offer you tea. Accompany you all the way here on a journey back from your backwater village and actively try to discuss with you the terms of using the item that worked for us both initially just to kill you? I have full capability to do so without the need to have you here. I am the weapon of god. I am his wrath upon the mortal world and a protector of his will. I do not seek you harm, however I highly advise you think about the situation at hand. Killing you would be the easier choice. Then why have I not done it so far?"
8:38 PM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 8:39 PM
(Roll intmidation with advantage)
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 8:39 PM
"Fact is. Nothing has been in the way of that before."
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-09-22 8:39 PM
( Peggy. Theano is a lvl 16 executor. She's stating facts )
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo makes an Intimidation check!
2d20kh1mi10 (9, 15) + 6 = 21
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 9:04 PM
(This is to make it even better)
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-09-22 9:07 PM
( kk )
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 9:14 PM
A trembling hand went up to touch the fresh bleeding wound on his cheek, "You're not of the Church... you're a devil wearing the skin of one." He blinked heavily as he was deep in panic thought, "If I refuse to give it, you will kill us and take it anyway. If I am to surrender the Holy Artifact, then we at least have a chance to find another. My people come first..." The elder snarled and placed the concupia on the table, "Take it. You disgust me. We should never have trusted you and walked here like sheeps to the harvest. Take solace in robbing the only hope we have left in this dark world, it will be all you will gain before God strikes you down for this heresy.”
9:14 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 9:18 PM
". . ." Theano stared the man down for a few long moments before taking the Conch. "I see." The woman gave the man a soft nod before finally heading to the exit. Stopping by the door, she grabbed the black key and put it back into her bible. Then, she turned to look at the man. "If it takes a woman like me to be the devil to do the will of god, so be it. I am of the church. Like it or not. You are the misguided lamb not a sheep led for the slaughter." With that, the woman just left. She was done here.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 10:11 PM
Levin was waiting outside the door, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "Do I need to do cleanup?" he asked as she walked out.
10:11 PM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 10:12 PM
"No need. We got what we needed. However if you can get someone capable of altering memories to make him believe the ordeal was less... Hostile I'd appreciate it."
10:12 PM
With that she gave him a soft nod.
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 10:13 PM
"That won't be possible. They've been exposed to it for the past few months and have come... intimate with it. It will be hard even with my Lord's best Magus." he said, "But not impossible. Though I have to question if the resource and time is really worth it for a bunch of rabble." @Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-22 10:15 PM
"Then let them be. Just keep an eye out on them. If they try anything you have my permission to act. Now, onto the proper ordeal and the things that need to be done."
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 10:28 PM
(will do when home
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-22 10:46 PM
(planning a thing or two
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-09-22 10:50 PM
( kk )
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-09-23 4:02 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-23 5:04 AM
"It's not too late to turn back," Levin said, "But it soon will be. I suggest you use Chaldea's esoteric methods to bring the artifact to my Lord."
5:04 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-23 5:06 AM
"There is no turning back on this. I shall travel to your lord myself alongside the materials. We can begin work from there. The Sash of Ares won't be able to be touched without my presence, not because of any moniker of pride though. Rather because of the simple fact you need my energy to have it react. That or my servant but she's out of question here."
5:06 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-23 5:07 AM
"Do you wish to have any of those you care about there?" Levin continued, "From what I hear the process may not be the most comfortable."
5:07 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-23 5:07 AM
". . . The only person I'd like to see this is already dead. I will be fine, thank you for your concern however- Levin."
5:08 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-23 5:09 AM
"Very well. I have my own tasks to carry out while on this Eastern Isle. But I wish you the best of luck my lady."
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-23 5:09 AM
"If you don't mind me asking. What is the task in question?"
5:10 AM
"I do not have the means nor capability to stop you whatever it is. I'm merely curious."
5:10 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-23 5:23 AM
"..." he was silent for a bit, "Cleaning up loose ends for My Lord. The False Lords are in discussion over evacuating what forces we have off this island. The Patriarch does not want any outliers to his plan Do not interfere."
5:23 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-23 5:28 AM
The woman nodded softly. "I do not intend to. I've made a promise to your lord, no matter if there was a formal agreement or not- I stick to my word when I can. Good luck in your task." With that the woman reached into her bag and pulled out two food rations. (Perfect). "Here. A meal for you to enjoy while out on the mission. Consider it a thanks for putting up with my methods. I'm fully aware they aren't what you're used to."
5:28 AM
TheInsanityThatLiesOutside 2022-09-23 5:31 AM
"My thanks." he pocketed the rations, "And if you require any assistance, do no fret over calling for the Knight-Rangers. We will answer your call whereever you are." He handed her a small glowing crystal, "Crush it and it will send a message." [Nicolo gains "Favour of the Knight-Rangers"] [The ability to summon 1d4+2 Knight-Rangers when the tide is dire]
5:31 AM
@Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach
Theano Hippolyta Nicolo BOT 2022-09-23 5:33 AM
"Thank you for your assistance once again as well as the gift." With that she bowed her head a little before putting the crystal away. "Take care until we meet again." With that Theano begun to prepare to go to London once again. @TheInsanityThatLiesOutside
Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/Oni started a thread. 2022-10-08 1:12 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-17 4:54 PM
Rayshifting into the singularity, her warmup complete...mostly, anyway, Tamae's next step was summoning a Servant for herself... Yet instead of the summoning terminals in the facility itself, she opted to do it in a more "traditional" way, using the drawn circle in Chaldea's main base, Gilgamesh's territory of Uruk. As she began the ritual process, she paced around the circle with rhythmic steps, opening her circuits and letting magical energy flow through the medium of her steady dance. Speeding up as the process went on, her movement became more energetic along with the circle itself flaring to life. Even with said circle connected to and fueled by Chaldea and the FATE system itself, she chose to perform the procedure as she saw fit and familiar, adding her own touch to the act. Without a specific catalyst, however, all that could influence the results were her own infused magical energy and the chant she used: Spirits of the past, with your name set in legend. I call out to you, with this dance, with this fervor. You who would be stirred by my passion and respond to my will... Take form through me and be as my sword!
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-17 4:54 PM
@Croz | Fen/Ana/Hikari/Drago whenever ya wish
StarryCleric started a thread. 2022-10-17 8:10 PM
Upon completion of the ritual by the fox woman, the circle burst into an array of colors that didn't seek to blind, but rather to amaze and inspire. The flash would soon die, however the same radiant glow continued to permeate the room in a pleasing manner. At the center of the circle stood a tan skinned girl with what seemed like a full body white lined crest, and she confident enough in her fairly scanty outfit that left little to the imagination. She opened her striking red eyes and glanced to her new master and bowed her head, her white hair hair cascading down her back. She held in her hands a sword of radiant colors, the tip facing the ground waiting to be used "I am the blade you seek. Altera, Saber."
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-17 10:24 PM
Looking over the woman, Tamae's gaze traced the woman's white-lined crest, admiring her tanned skin, bright and striking red eyes, and of course the scanty outfit that let her physique and beauty show. Meeting Altera's eyes after, the new Master nodded approvingly, processing the information granted to her about the Saber with a pleased smile on the fox woman's face. "A pleasure to meet you, Altera. I am glad to have you at my side."
Altera also looked her would be master over in turn, though not with the same admiration, but rather out of curiosity and trying to discern her intents already "I see. I hope to accomplish any expectations you set for me and more." She seemed fairly cold and neutral in her words
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-17 10:39 PM
"I am sure you will. To fight at the side of a hero with clear strength and grace such as yourself will be a pleasure." Meeting Altera's curious searching gaze steadily, Tamae's expression and intent were open and clear, a simple sense of duty and admiration for the woman in front of her, a clearly great warrior.
She'll continue watching and listening to her intently. She'll let the sword in her hands fade and turn raw mana as it vanish and returned to her, her crest lightly glowing briefly "I see, however, I am no hero, simply a blade, an embodiment of war."
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-17 11:01 PM
"Hm, I see. We all have our duties, I suppose... And yet I wonder if that is truly all you are. Regardless, I swear to wield this blade well."
"Good, I will trust your judgment and serve your needs as they come Master." She would exit the center of the circle to meet her and offer her hand to the fox, bowing her head
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-17 11:22 PM
"That is all I would ask of you, Saber Altera." Walking to meet her, she takes the Servant's hand with a steady but soft grip, acknowledging her bow with a nod and warm smile. "Now then, I would like to see more of this place. Come with me, Altera." Tamae turns, ready to take a tour of the city and surrounding area. (okay to end here unless you have anything in mind?)
"Very well, show me our place of rest." Altera would be ready to follow her wherever (Eh, prolly fine for now, can prolly start up a different rp somewhere else if we wanted soonish)
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 9:19 AM
With that, Tamae walked out, the two headed to explore the territory and potentially visit its King. (will be the end then, likely will start another soon if no missions come up)
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 5:34 PM
Even while getting familiar with Altera, Tamae had quickly learned that most Masters currently working in the field had multiple Servants, and didn't want to fall behind. While she had no intention of devaluing Saber, she figured another that could support them both would be a benefit. And so, having rested, she was back at Uruk's summoning chamber. Carrying out the ritual, she spoke the same chant as before while the circle roared to life...
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 5:34 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 6:17 PM
And as the magic circle lights up, Tamae is greeted with the same display of light flashing. It, the light, would eventually consume the entirety of the circle and explode with an even bigger flash of light. Then what remains as the light starts to die down was this thick mist that covered most of Tamea's surroundings. Including the summoning tool, the magic circle. The mist remains where it was, slowly parting and clearing the area. However, it was almost like the mist is purposefully keeping the identity of the servant a secret for now. Like a grand reveal is to happen. Then again, each summoning of a servant tends to be a surprise for most masters of Chaldea. Just before the mist could fully disappear, she can see two purplish eyes glowing through the source. This servant was very tall. Followed by the reveal of the servant's eyes, Tamae could hear the hum of machinery as well as the 'cracks' of metal crunching each other. It would not be long before Tamae can see who her next servant was. With a deep, robotic voice, the servant introduces itself. "I am Archer. True name, Minamoto no Tametomo. Awaiting battle. Awaiting instructions. Behold! Finally, when the mist is gone, Tamae can see that this tall robot was standing before her. It wielded this oversized bow and was decked out with armor. Technically, it would be his own body already as he appears to be a machine.
  • - -
Brought back to the world of the living, Tametomo would look towards the person he was summoned by. A beautiful woman. A priestess? For certain, she was a fellow Japanese. Though the more notable features that the robot was able to notice was her fox ones. It appears to him that the woman before him shall be his master, his commander, his lord.
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 6:17 PM
@Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae (edited)
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 6:18 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 6:30 PM
As the mist cleared to let her get a good look at the Servant, Tamae studied the... Wait, a machine? "I am Noguchi Tamae. Minamoto-no-Tametomo. your name and accomplishments are indeed legendary, and I am glad to have your service... But I never knew or expected you were- Er, what are you? One of those 'mecha' some kids talk about...?"
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 6:30 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 6:43 PM
The robot nods curtly. Humbly acknowledging Tamae's recognition of his name and accomplishments. But it appears to be that she is completely surprised by his appearance, his true identity. "A robot samurai. One designed to combat Oni, Youkai, and other enemies I am ordered to obliterate. And now... your servant. That is what I am, my lord." "Hmm. I suppose? It would explain why I was popular amongst the children of my time. Other than my skill in archery, they were fascinated by my mechanical body and overall appearance. It is a very rare sight to see a figure like myself walking around Japan. Perhaps this might still apply today based on your reaction, my lord. Does my appearance bother you?" Tametomo would de-summon his bow and walk a few steps away from the summoning circle. Mainly focused on his summoner, Tametomo bows towards her proper. Having not done that in the beginning. (edited)
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 6:43 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 7:08 PM
With Tametomo stepping forward, Tamae returns his bow politely and formally, before starting to circle him with undisguised curiosity and fascination herself. "No, no, it doesn't bother me at all! Even today, it still is rare indeed, however, and one with a mind like yours is currently considered impossible. Our past had knowledge lost to time, it seems... Ah, marvelous, marvelous...!" Recomposing herself eventually, however, Tamae looked up to meet the Archer's eyes with a warm smile. "Mm, that aside. Do not let my appearance concern you, I am trained to combat and exorcise Oni and Youkai that threaten people as well. Let us work together to face and overcome all that stands against humanity and our cause! I await orders myself, however... For now, we are on standby. Would you be willing to tell me more about yourself?"
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 7:08 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 7:20 PM
"I am in relief hearing that, my lord. If such was the case, I would not hesitate to undergo necessary procedures if taking my own life was not the answer." From how the robot spoke, it is clear he has no fear of death. Tametomo would do the extreme if it meant fulfilling his master's orders. Such can be expected from a very loyal samurai like Tametomo from the Minamoto clan. Hearing that his master shares the same profession, the robot samurai was surprised a bit. He'd tilt his head to the side, acting a little doubtful. After all, he made out of some of the most advanced and powerful technology of his time to combat such entities. To see someone like Tamae was doing the same thing is fascinating. "Truly, my lord is more capable than I had thought. I should not have been so assuming to begin with. I apologize greatly." Nodding at the information that Tamae, herself, is waiting for orders, Tametomo doesn't pry for further instructions. Yet. "Of course, my lord. What is it that you wish to know exactly?" He responds to his summoner's question.
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 7:20 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 7:32 PM
"Ah, I would not presume to think myself nearly capable as you are...! I am a simple Miko carrying out the duties of my inheritance and position. Even if I am not quite average, aha." Flustered slightly, she recollects herself again after a few moments. "Hm... Outside of your purpose of combat, what are your interests and likes?"
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 7:32 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 7:55 PM
”I care not for the equivalence of strength. So long as you are carrying the same burden with the same energy and drive, we stand together with purpose. I learned this from a young soldier I led in my campaign. While he did not bear my strength, my skill and tactics for war, he shared the same calling for duty as I.” ”My interests? Hmm. As a creation with a single purpose, my interests are quite limited. I simply enjoy sharpening my skill in archery. Training for combat. Though… I am not opposed to the idea of developing new interests. Especially that I am now a servant.”
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 7:55 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 8:12 PM
"Duty and purpose are what drive people to grow, after all. Especially when it comes to battle, those who have courage and the will to act are valuable in the end. So long as soldiers carry the same burden with the same energy, the army is strong, hm?" She nods, pondering him for a few moments. "I see... My first Servant has a similar perspective and way of thinking. Of course, I will be pleased to help you find and develop new interests, with all the world has to offer."
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 8:12 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 8:24 PM
It seems Tamae shares the same thoughts as the robot samurai. Because of this, Tametomo would feel more confident about his master's leadership. She can be someone he can relate to - rely on. "Indeed. It is important that everyone is on the same page. If there is a common threat, we must unite and stand together." Upon the mention of another servant, Tametomo's engines whir. Interested in knowing who she had summoned before him. "You have another servant contracted to you? Interesting. Could you entertain my curiosity by explaining who they are and how they are like? I would be keen on knowing more about a fellow servant under your command so I know how to approach them when we meet." (edited)
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 8:24 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 8:34 PM
"It has not been long since I summoned them, so I can tell you all I know easily. A foreign woman, dedicated to combat and service just as much as you like mentioned, although their skill is in the way of the sword. A Saber just as you are classed an Archer, to put it simply. You are more of a conversationalist yet than she is, however, approaching her will be simple and difficult at the same time..."
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 8:34 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 8:40 PM
"I can adapt, my lord. I am usually not this talkative. Especially towards one who holds authority over me. I suppose the environment is different. As well as the person I am now devoting my life to in service." Tametomo nods again. "Should the call to arms arise, I will be there with my bow. Please do not hesitate on calling me to your side. I will fight your enemies and win battles for you. Such is my purpose as a mechanical samurai."
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 8:40 PM
Noguchi Tamae BOT 2022-10-18 8:43 PM
Tamae nods again. "The call to battle will come soon, I am sure. It is my pleasure to have you at my side, Archer. But until then, would you like to be shown around Chaldea's facilities?" (good place to end?)
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 8:43 PM
Minamoto no Tametomo | The Mechanical Archer BOT 2022-10-18 8:46 PM
"And it is an honor to be in service for a Miko such as yourself. And yes. That would be appreciated." Tametomo would stand behind Tamae and prepare to follow her.
ArbyOrNotToBe 2022-10-18 8:46 PM
@Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae Yep! That'll be good. Thanks for the RP!
Fox/Wilt/[pending]/Wu/Lae 2022-10-18 8:47 PM
(yw, and hope you enjoyed!)
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