In many stories fantastical and real it is a common occurrence for someone of chastity, purity, and of righteous faith to be targeted by the forces of evil. Demons, spirits, monsters, and even malicious gods prey on that holiness in the hopes of corrupting it as a demonstration of their power, of the folly in faith, and the futility in moralistic living for mortals. Indeed, it is no surprise then that there are not many mortals who could claim to be more experienced in warding off wicked temptations than the priestess, Caren Hortensia. Her genetic disposition made her into a kind of fly trap that baited demons out thanks to her spiritual sensitivity and unshakeable faith yet carrying a body too weak and a mind too steadfast to be possessed. Thus, the demons became easy pickings for the executors she accompanied.
It had been some time since she last went on an exorcism, though… thankfully the demon in question this time was a Servant, unsurprisingly enough. Caren had heard that this divine vixen was sniffing out shrine maidens, likely to man their new territory so they can laze around like a deadbeat. Eastern deities were indeed outside of this Catholic priestess’ expertise, but from what she heard they were plenty fickle yet fussy. Truly a headache. Of course, becoming this kami’s pet and babysitter was far from her intention to visit their fox den today. Nor was it her intention to perform any exorcism lest she would have brought Enkidu along.
Instead, Caren came to appease her boredom. Yes… she wanted to kill some time, to relax for once by seeing how devilish this fox truly is. In other words, she was the trap to bait out and capture the goddess. It is fox hunting season!
Fortunately, despite the trek to get to this servant’s territory, the clash of the Eastern aesthetic with the rest of the environment at least made it lucid to the priestess when she arrived at the location. Admittedly, however, once she got to the front door of the lair, Caren was uns