In the distance, the great walls of the Zhou capital can be seen. Imposing. Tall. And bristling with turrets and towers. One of the most fortified cities ever seen upon China with the most fanatical troops occupying the ramparts ready to not even accept death as an excuse to cease their struggle.
Wei troops are gathered all around in a dozen camps near the city. The men are scared and huddled near fires as the cold of winter now begins to sweep in. Many are starving and tired from months of constant war and battle. Supplies are low and morale even lower.
At this rate, if they don't take the city soon they will be surrounded, trapped, and utterly decimated.
〇With such a performance the spirits of the Wei troops rose to unprecedented heights. It was as if their leader Cao Cao was before them , giving them her greatest speech. Cheers and shouts rose through camp and the word spread quickly through the camps. A spirit that hadn't ever been seen before filled them.
"“Do not count the days, do not count the miles. Count only the Zhou you have killed. Kill the Zhou - this is your old mother's prayer. Kill the Zhou - this is what your children beseech you to do. Kill the Zhou - this is the cry of your Chinese earth. Do not waver. Do not let up. Do not even tell civilians from soldiers. They're all the same anyhow. Let god sort that out! Kill!”
Wei troops now have +3 to attack dmg and have one inspiration dice to use against throws of being frightened!
@MoonBowBishPoisonFist|Pormal (edited)