Cardinal Noi Seonator Granfatima, 1st of the Burial Agency, and one of the strongest Executioners in the Holy Church, stood in white priestly garments as he overlooked the arming of a few Knights and Executioners. These men and women looked completely green - borderline brand new recruits, undoubtedly added to the Holy Church's 8th Sacrament Assembly out of sheer desperation.
They were in an underground chamber beneath Saint Peter's Basilica, the secret catacombs hidden underneath Rome that served as the Holy Church's true headquarters.
"Haha, yes, it's been about a week or so since we last spoke, well, at least the Ciel I am more acquainted with." Noi stroked his beard.
"Ah, Sister Kiara does tend to run her mouth when she doesn't have too. I suppose you are aware we are mobilizing a team to retrieve the Sacra Cintola?"
"At the moment, one of our main concerns is actually finding the Heart of Enniashe. For some reason, our Oracles cannot divine the location. Whenever they attempt it, all they see is a temple frozen in time. Some of them keep repeating: the 'King of Magecraft has returned.' If King Solomon truly has been summoned by Enniashe or is otherwise assisting the Forest, then it's likely he is using some form of Magecraft to keep the Heart's location hidden."
Noi shook his head. "So, while the Holy Church may have the means to destroy the Heart, we can't even find it. As for Black Barrel... Sion Eltnam Sokaris was sighted crossing the border. Not many people can hide purple hair - she should at least dye it a normal color for goodness sakes." Noi chuckled.
"So if you want to use the Black Barrel, you need to first find the Alchemist."
"Are you trying to bait me into angering Narbareck?" Noi chuckled lightly. "As a Burial Agent, I can't order you around, and as an independent, Narbareck is letting all Chaldeans work freely."
Noi stroked his chin.
"But there is a third issue you could assist with: movement and transportation. Rumors abound that the Rail Zeppelin is stalled somewhere in France. Find it along the Leylines and see if you can't take it from Rita Rozay-en. The train runs along the Leylines of the earth, but exists in the Underworld, so it can bypass the worst of the Forest's influence until it surfaces. If you can take it, traveling through the Forest will be much easier."
(edited)"The Rail Zeppelin still needs to refuel and have maintenance conducted on the surface," Noi explained. "Go to France and try to find the largest concentration of Leylines; where they intersect. That's where the train will most likely be. A behemoth mix of magic and technology like the Rail Zeppelin will need obscene amounts of energy to function."
He tilted his head and stroked his chin.
"Haha. These old bones still have some fight in them; you're speaking as if I should go and retire!"
Noi paused. "Oh, and your pupil is here. She doesn't want to go into the Forest, so do us all a favor and drag her with you before Narbareck rips her head off."
(edited)"I take it your Noel did not? That's a shame. But yes, she did, although after Roa was slain, she became annoyingly lazy and only served as auxiliary support staff since - driving around, logistics, those sorts of mundane tasks. I don't even think she still remembers how to use her halberd. Regardless, Narbareck is lashing out at virtually anything and Noel is low-hanging fruit now that our Ciel isn't here to protect her." Noi warned.
"Also, if you are so willing to offer your Servant as a sacrifice to use Sacra Cintola, then I will take up your offer. Sacra Cintola requires the wielder to sacrifice their body and soul to the Lord to activate, much like the Virgin Mary, herself."
"I take it your Noel did not? That's a shame. But yes, she did, although after Roa was slain, she became annoyingly lazy and only served as auxiliary support staff since - driving around, logistics, those sorts of mundane tasks. I don't even think she still remembers how to use her halberd. Regardless, Narbareck is lashing out at virtually anything and Noel is low-hanging fruit now that our Ciel isn't here to protect her." Noi warned. "Also, if you are so willing to offer your Servant as a sacrifice to use Sacra Cintola, then I will take up your offer. Sacra Cintola requires the wielder to sacrifice their body and soul to the Lord to activate, much like the Virgin Mary, herself."
"Ah, yes, the Tohno boy? He became an Executor because of the White Princess, I believe. He went into the Forest alone shortly before you did. I think that was one of the main reasons why our Ciel accepted that suicide mission so readily."
Noi tilted his head at Ciel.
"Ah. That's unfortunate. The effects of Sacra Cintola are extremely powerful - and it bypasses even Alaya and the World's corrective actions. The person who uses it will not return, even after the Singularity is reset."
"Perhaps but they may have already chosen someone and as I said, it may not work with you being a ghost liner but let us worry about that after we have crossed that path."
"Of course. My God go with you," Cardinal Noi made aa Sign of the Cross as Ciel departed.
Noel can be seen casually eating gelato in an isolated sweets shop within the depths of Rome. Only few knew of her favorite hiding spots, and this was one of them.
"Mmhm~ I'm sure the Burial Agency has more things to worry about then lil'o'me. I'll just hide out and wait for this stupid mess to blow over. Ciel and Shiki can handle the Forest and I'll support them. Spiritually. From this table. Oh Ciel, Oh Shiki. This gelato tastes delicious! I'll have two more servings on your behalf!"
(edited)"Haa? I need all the nutrients I can get! Physically, spiritually, and emotionally -" Noel turned around, wearing an ugly expression of annoyance only for it to melt into one of abject horror.
"Rail Zeppelin?! No, no, no. It was last spotted in France and that's DEEP into the Forest! Ciel, I'll die!?!" Noel objected,. waving her spoon at the Burial Agent. "Can't you just.... whisk me away into one of your hideouts until his blows over? We're friends, right?!"
"I'll do it! I'll do it!" Noel agreed readily, a look of relief on her face.
"Wait - are you giving me Shiki?"
A majority of the Holy See would be swamped with countless believers, praying for life and safety. Upon the pedestal overlooking the entire Vatican, a cardinal would offer prayers to the people almost every moment of very day, both to harvest their power of belief AND to maintain a sense of calm and control.
Narbareck and Cardinal Noi are both below the Vatican, within the section isolated for the Burial Agency. Upon Ciel and Jeanne's entrance, Cardinal Noi greets Ciel with a slight smile while Narbareck nods in satisfaction.
"All right, I'll keep it simple and sweet," Narbareck began then kicked her feet up onto her desk, spilling a pile of paperwork across the floor much to Noi's annoyance. "We're leaving the extermination of Enniashe entirely to Chaldea. We aren't entirely sure if the Singularity will reset the World to its previous state without side effects or slight alterations. The Burial Agency and the Holy Church is going to take this opportunity to kill Lorelei with one of our Holy Scriptures while she remains outside of London."
"Because transparency may hurt a little, but it's better than being blindsided. Let's face it, Lorelei wants the Grail just as badly as you all do. If she can use it to reach the Root, then she doesn't give a shit about what happens to the World. Eventually, you were going to betray her anyway. At least this way, if we kill her in this Singularity with something that prevents revival, we may be able to permanently remove one of the strongest heretics in the Mage's Association and end the power balance once the world resets."
Narbareck rolled her eyes. "Your... uh.. Our Ciel is busy looking for Shiki Tohno. He'll be our ace in the hole if none of our Scriptures work. The Mystic Eyes of Death Perception are a very powerful trump card. If it can kill Roa and destroy his soul, then erasing Lorelei from this timeline shouldn't be an issue. But we'll use your boyfriend as a last resort, I promise."
Ciel could easily tell Narbareck was lying through her teeth, but she obviously didn't care about Ciel's opinion.
"No, actually. I want you to keep this a secret from your higher ups. They are affiliated with the Mage's Association and probably won't appreciate attempts to alter the timeline against their status quo.
I'll say this clearly: Don't fuck this up for us, Seventh. Do your job, kill Enniashe, obtain the Holy Grail, and leave the complicated matters to us."
Narbareck apparently lost all interest in the conversation, leaving Cardinal Noi to take over.
"Fantastic work, Seventh," Noi began with a slightly apologetic smile. "We'll try and take permanent possession of the Rail Zeppelin after this is over - alongside our other... operation. We also have reports that The Sacra Cintola has been retrieved. If anything that annihlate Enniashe, that will be it. However, it requires a Virgin to Ascend." Noi motioned to Jeanne.
"The Saint of Orleans will do nicely as a sacrifice. With her faith and pious supplication, the Sacra Cintola will undoubtedly operate in its fullest capacity."
Cardinal Noi nodded at Jeanne.
"Your assessment is correct, Saint Jeanne d'Arc. However, there is no greater blessing than to spend all of eternity alongside our Lord." Cardinal Noi made the Sign of the Cross.
"Of course. Otherwise, you have managed to save another person the Holy Church has managed to carefully foster as a sacrifice:
Caren Hortensia.
Should you refuse, we will just have her use it. However the effect may be lessened."
"Go with the Grace of God," Cardinal Noi made the Sign of the Cross as Ciel departed.
Ciel's loyalty to the Burial Agency is unmatched and she is willing to hide key factors from Chaldea in order to further the Holy Church's goals.
Requirement - Keep Narbareck's plan a secret until the end of the Singularity.
Can be Redeemed to obtain one Combat oriented Feat with only ONE justification.
EDIT: Due to Ciel being full on Feats, she instead gains 500 Saint Peter's Basilica: The greatest fortress of the Holy Church, said to be nearly impenetrable by even the most powerful beings in the world. This area functions as a complete safe haven. Every dawn, all members within the Basilica are placed under the Mass Heal spell. No teleportation works and the Heroic Spirits of non-believers are filtered out and unable to enter - exceptions for Saint Martha, Jeanne d'Arc, Shirou Amakusa etc.
Suddenly a barrier would appear before Ishtar, golden sigils with verses from the Holy Book floating in taunt lines before her alongside crosses that stared down at her.
Almost at once Knights were rushing out of the gatehouse towards her with halberds and crossbows at the ready, while figures in cassocks appeared on the nearby rooftops to oversee everything.
After negotiations with Narbereck, Jeanne is sent to Saint Peter's Basilica while the Holy Church prepares the Sacra Cintola.
"Art thee the holy saint?" a voice would come from behind the pew Jeanne was at. It was cloaked in shadow but she call tell it was small and diminutive. "Art the whispers of thy fate true?"
"Art thee willing to beareth such a burden?" he stepped forward into the light. It was a little boy in altar clothes. He looked like he had been crying not too long ago and his eyes were red and tired.
(edited)"Wherefore doth thee feeleth so loyal to those who is't shall putteth thee on the sacrificial altar?" he rubbed his swollen red eye, "Thy existance could be forever moot. I am afeard, mine own holy maiden."
(edited)Suddenly the boy shot forward and grabbed Jeanne's leg in a bear hug. Despite his small size and barely coming higher then her hip he had a tight grip. He buried his face into the cloth and Jeanne could hear and feel muffled sobs. "Don't leave. Please don't leave me. Please, surely you don't want to die. It can't be worth it."
@Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/Oni"A-a-are you sure?" he said between chocked sobbing in her arms. "M-maybe there's another way, my lady."
He sniffed having finally stopped, "If it happens, then... it happens. Then everything will end. Mother would read me and my sister stories. Will it be like when she said 'The End?' If it happens will it be like that?"
@Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/Oni (edited)He shuffled onto a pew, "Will you miss anybody?"
@Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/Oni"So you'll be next to Him? Have you seen Him before? What's he like?" his legs dangle off the alter as he asked curiously.
"I wish I could have heard His voice. People say they hear his all the time. Yet I hear nothing but the world around me."
"So I have to listen to people," he pouted, "All my life it was listen to my sister and follow her example. My Mother always compared me to her. I can do something better then my sister, I don't hear God I hear the world. God's part of the world right so I listen more then her!"
He tapped his chin, "But I don't want people to hate me. I just follow my sister and everyone likes her. And why do we have to hurt to become stronger?"
"I love you," he said rather suddenly, "You're family to me. You would be a big sister to me."
@Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/Oni"You'll live on in my heart, big sister," he said with a beaming smile, "Maybe even if all of us come together we can put all the little bits together and make a brand new you!"
@Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/OniHe was silent for a bit. "I should go. I think Mother has another story to tell me."
He pushed himself off the bench and began to walk. "It's been real nice being with you, big sister, one last time. I only wish I could have seen you back then one last time too."
@Crafter/Flower/Illya/Dad/Oni"Come Pierre, lets go home," a woman's voice all too familiar came from around the corner. A voice gone hundreds of years ago faded to history but not to Jeanne.
And Pierre was never there.