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Chaldean Chronicles: Cadence of the Lostgrail
✅ Singularity 6 (ARCHIVED) / phantom-garden-bounded-field
Berry|Rav|Jes|Ushi|Yuyu 2022-04-20 2:00 AM
@Sky_ | [NPC] | Sal [9] Walp [14] @[unintelligible sub noises] @Thunder - LS | ED | DO | HT @ArbyOrNotToBe @Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach Sub asked me to make this PBP for you guys. Nighty night.
Andle | Cam, Ib, Rach 2022-04-20 2:00 AM
I'm not here.
[unintelligible sub noises] 2022-04-20 2:00 AM
The sub!
Vlad the third Dracul Țepeș (the impaler, ruler of Walachia) BOT 2022-04-20 2:03 AM
after many hours of silence and him disappearing, … Ciel receives a message out of nowhere from a very familiar voice to call onto her, as through heavy breathing he says Ciel, we need back up two people at least as soon as you can dispatch them, the Pendragon is down, Mordred is trying her best to keep the horde of monsters, Vitch is attempting to find the needle and Taigon is helping with as much crowd control as he can, … but we don’t have enough. I ask for support and I can’t contact anyone else but you. We can kill the boneless now, I’m sure of it, but we need the last amount of power we can have to see it to the end so he disappeared for a mission, … huh, guess he’s not that bad. At least now you know of his where about as he gives his coordinations @[Serpon]Teno/Penth/Nico/Azu
2:05 AM
“We make our stand, DON’T BACK OUT!” he says to them trying to give them the last bit to push through if it’s at least for his mere words to go through “I called for back up, we might or might not get it, but don’t back down no matter what”
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